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Topics - *MAFIA* Scooby

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Spam / Dead
« on: July 16, 2008, 12:24:07 PM »

News / Your Data is Out
« on: July 04, 2008, 04:29:35 PM »
This is a pretty interesting article. It got me kinda mad what they are doing.


Media / Jelly
« on: July 04, 2008, 04:26:50 PM »
In case you wanted to hear what it sounds like. Reminds me of when Balth does his noises on Vent.


Media / Phone Message
« on: June 27, 2008, 09:23:36 PM »
Have a listen to this voice message. The guy goes off on the girl for not calling him. Funniest one I've heard in a long time.


News / Moving Skyscraper
« on: June 25, 2008, 04:47:47 PM »
"Dubai plans 'moving' skyscraper"

The world's first moving building, a 80-story tower with revolving floors giving an shifting shape, will be built in Dubai, its architect says.

The Dynamic Tower design is made up of 80 pre-fabricated apartments which will spin independently of one another.

"It's the first building that rotates, moves, and changes shape," said architect David Fisher, who is Italian, at a news conference in New York.

"This building never looks the same, not once in a lifetime," he added.

The 420-metre (1,378-foot) building's apartments would spin a full 360 degrees, at voice command, around a central column by means of 79 giant power-generating wind turbines located between each floor.

The slender building would be energy self-sufficient as the turbines would produce enough electricity to power the entire building and even feed extra power back into the grid, said the Italian architect at the unveiling of the project in New York.

The apartments, which will take between one and three hours to make a complete rotation, will cost from $3.7m to $36m.

There are also plans to build a similar, 70-story skyscraper in Moscow.

"I call these buildings designed by time, shaped by life," said the Florence-based architect. "These buildings will open our vision all around, to a new life."

The skyscraper will cost an estimated $700m to build and should be up and running in Dubai in 2010.

Media / PC Mod
« on: June 19, 2008, 12:18:56 PM »
"Some people just really dig their games and gaming experience. This guy for examples clearly likes Battlefield 2 :) And yeah .. that's his modded PC folks. Aside from the extremely detailed tank, there's also a matching keyboard, complete with dirt and scratches."

General / Admin Gets "Banned"
« on: June 16, 2008, 09:52:55 PM »
Disgruntled admin gets 63 months for massive data deletion

An IT manager who sought revenge for an unfavorable job evaluation was sentenced to more than five years in federal prison after being convicted of intentionally triggering a massive data collapse on his former employer's computer network.

Jon Paul Oson, 38, of Chula Vista, California, was sentenced to 63 months behind bars and ordered to pay more than $409,000 in restitution, according to federal prosecutors in San Diego. He was immediately taken into custody after the sentence was handed down on Monday. It is one of the stiffest penalties ever for a computer hacking offense.

Oson was hired in May 2004 as a network engineer at the Council of Community Clinics in San Diego, a nonprofit that provides various services to 17 regional health clinics in Southern California. He performed well in that role and five months later was promoted to technical services manager. He ended up bitterly resigning a year later after a performance evaluation cited interpersonal difficulties, according to court documents.

On December 23, Oson logged onto servers belonging to his former employer and disabled the program that automatically backed up medical records for thousands of low-income patients. Six days later, he logged on again, and in the span of 43 minutes, methodically deleted the files containing patients' appointment data, medical charts and other information.

The dollar cost of Oson's rampage was pegged at $409,337.83 and accounted for expenses for technical investigations and moving to a paper-based system in the weeks following the attack. But the real toll came when doctors at North County Health Services no longer had medical records for thousands of low-income patients who sought medical care. North County Health Services contracted with Oson's employer to store the records.

Health threat
By destroying the records, Oson threatened the health of patients who visited the clinic immediately after the attack, prosecutors argued. They cited two examples, including a nine-year-old who had been diagnosed with an ear infection several days before Oson's rampage. When he returned a few weeks later, doctors had no record of the previous diagnosis, and they also had no idea he was due for a routine physical exam.

"Patients who visited the clinic in the weeks following the network disruption were kept waiting hours and sometimes futilely while their charts were located and delivered to the appropriate clinic and doctor," prosecutors said in court documents. "With the shutdown of its Practice Management system, NCHS had to shift to a paper-based system."

After ransacking his former employer's network, Oson took pains to cover his tracks. When FBI agents raided his home in May 2006, they found all but one of his PCs had been wiped clean, irretrievably destroying data that might have shown he was behind the attacks.

But Oson slipped up and left other clues. One was an HP 2100 LaserJet printer he kept at his home and another was an HP LaserJet 4M printer physically located near the workstation Oson used at his new job.

It just so happened that in the weeks leading up to the data meltdown, an intruder had cased the network by logging in from at least three different machines. One was a computer named "TEMP3" that was equipped to work with an HP 2100 LaserJet printer. A second PC happened to contain drivers for the HP 2100 and a LaserJet 4M.

Even more incriminating, the nickname of this second PC was "kuku" and one of the printers it was configured to work with was named "mike2003 HP Laserjet 4M". That just happened to match the name of Oson's son and the network name of the printer sitting by his workstation.

"At the sentencing hearing, the court talked about the impact of Oson's actions and his arrogance," Assistant US Attorney Mitchell Dembin, who prosecuted the case, wrote in an email to The Reg. "The court said that Oson seemed to think that he was the smartest guy around but, as often happens, he ran into someone smarter (the FBI)."

Media / Ants + Prostitution
« on: June 13, 2008, 11:39:30 AM »

Join / Roshan Is Back
« on: June 09, 2008, 10:04:50 AM »
Hey guys, I'm back after a long time.  I missed being around on here, but I had to do what I did.  You probably noticed that I was never on the forums, games, or Vent anymore.  I had to uninstall/block those applications/sites so that I would be more focused on school stuff.

I left for that period because I wanted to focus on studies as well as college applications and stuff like that.  I studied for classes and tests and managed to get pretty good grades.  I'm graduating this Thursday so this week is pretty much free for me.  I'll be more active now since school is over and summer vacation is starting soon.  I hope to talk to you guys on Vent and/or play some games with you.

Games / Call of Duty 4 Sounds
« on: March 12, 2008, 09:58:01 PM »
Similar to the one with the Battlefield 2 gun sounds, except this one is for COD4.


Media / New Meatspin song
« on: March 07, 2008, 09:44:16 PM »
I found a 2003 version of the same group I think performing the same song.  It's really weird and extremely gay.


Help / Game Crash
« on: March 03, 2008, 08:14:58 PM »
I installed BF2142 (legit) and everytime I click on it to run it, I get an error "BF2142.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close...."

What's wrong with it?

I have tried reinstalling it with the latest EA patch for it but still the same problem.

Any help in getting it to run?

General / Smartness
« on: February 05, 2008, 01:05:28 AM »
Found this somewhere else, I enjoyed this test.  Try it yourself, don't cheat.

This is a test for Smart People (Kraut).....I have determined that you qualify.

The following short quiz consists of 4 questions and will tell you whether you are qualified to be a professional. Scroll down for each answer. The questions are NOT that difficult. But don't scroll down UNTIL you have answered the question!

1. How do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator?

The correct answer is: Open the refrigerator, put in the giraffe, and close the door. This question tests whether you tend to do simple things in an overly complicated way.

2. How do you put an elephant into a refrigerator?

Did you say, Open the refrigerator, put in the elephant, and close the

Wrong Answer.

Correct Answer: Open the refrigerator, take out the giraffe, put in the elephant and close the door. This tests your ability to think through the repercussions of your previous actions.

3. The Lion King is hosting an animal conference. All the animals attend.... except one. Which animal does not attend?

Correct Answer: The Elephant. The elephant is in the refrigerator. You just put him in there. This tests your memory.

Okay, even if you did not answer the first three questions correctly, you still have one more chance to show your true abilities.

4. There is a river you must cross but it is used by crocodiles, and you do not have a boat. How do you manage it?

Correct Answer: You jump into the river and swim across. Have you not been listening? All the crocodiles are attending the animal conference. This tests whether you learn quickly from your mistakes.

According to Anderson Consulting Worldwide, around 90% of the professionals they tested got all questions wrong, but many preschoolers got several correct answers. Anderson Consulting says this conclusively disproves the theory that most professionals have the brains of a four-year-old.

Spam / Quote Game
« on: January 21, 2008, 11:12:07 PM »
Try to figure out which person would say something like this.  Think of different people and post what they might say, and the others will try to guess.

"I like frogs."

News / Fastest Internet Connection
« on: January 20, 2008, 03:38:27 PM »
Just saw this....


"In less than 2 seconds, Lothberg can download a full-length movie on her home computer"

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