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Topics - *MAFIA* Balthazar

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Media / Women, know your place.
« on: April 08, 2009, 08:18:40 AM »
Picture from a 70's childrens book. Sorry MG, this was too funny not to post.

Media / I think i'm in love...
« on: April 04, 2009, 07:57:10 PM »

Games / Mirror's Edge
« on: February 25, 2009, 04:59:00 PM »
Intense Game!

Get it, NOW!


Be forewarned, to play this game at a decent level you have to be fairly spec'd out.

Mine: Dual Core Xeon 1.86GHZ, 2GB Memory, EVGA 9600GT

If your card can support Nvidia Physx then you should be good to go.

Or... if you have a PS3 or XBOX 360 you can play it on there as well, multi-platform...

At any rate. This game get's a BIG thumbs up.

Media / ZOMG Metal!
« on: February 01, 2009, 08:51:34 PM »
Best band to come out of Sweden since Soilwork.

Scar Symmetry


Somehow I feel like most of you won't enjoy this...  ;D

General / Opinion's about Virginia
« on: January 12, 2009, 09:50:39 AM »
I may be looking at a change of venue in regards to my current employment.

The thing is the job is located in Richmond, VA

Anybody ever lived there, or close, or in Virginia, and if so, what is your general opinion of the area?

Any insight would be appreciated.

General / Merry Christmas *MAFIA*
« on: December 24, 2008, 04:24:43 PM »
It's that time of the year again folks.

As you know i've been pretty busy as of late so i'm sorry if some of these aren't the most creative gifts.

Here we go...


Where have you been? Did you finally get thrown into the slammer?

If that is the case take a gander at the new motivantional poster I got you.


Not sure if you have seen the new fad going around this year but I think it fits you.

I'll bet none of you will ever look at another air dryer the same way again.


The ever popular footprints poem!

Not just any old poem though, this sucker is on a clock, why the clock you ask?

I made a deal with the you know who to set this sucker to count down to the rapture!

This way when Jesus shows back up you'll be right on time to tell everybody, "I told you so!"


The economy has hit us all hard this year. So I wanted to make sure you were taken care of.

On my last trip to Louisiana I picked this up for ya.

Utilities not included unfortunately.


I know you love the anime, and metal.

I couldn't find anything that encompasses both

so instead you get the power rangers movie on dvd. enjoy!


I know your significant other has been hounding you lately to pony up the cock. But you won't give it up.

I have just the solution.

Poor a little bit of this on your cock and ram it right up there and I guarantee she'll never pine for it again!

Dune Surfer

You daft bastard!

If you won't get out of the house I figured why not give you a reason for once to stay in.

Waste your day's away with WOW and become one of the fallen.

Don't worry, comes with a years supply of Sambuca!


I know you are in the Dutch armed services and have quite of bit to carry around during your missions but I bet you don't have one of these in your pack!

Dutch Apple Pie field kit!


Don't embrace your impending doom just yet!

Instead, have fun on this.

I'm pretty sure it was carved from Noah's ark, you remember that guy? You went to high school with him didn't you?


A new key for your keyboard.

I figured it would save you a little bit of time.


Got you a date with this thing!

Wasn't really sure if it is female or not, I guess that's the point right?


You had to see that one coming.


You aren't fooling anyone. We all know you are lonely. I've got just the thing for you this year my mutant friend.

I think you all will get along great!


I figured this fit you better than anything else.



Mean Green

I'm sorry I can't be around as much to "service" you as much as I should so I hired someone this year.

Ho Ho Ho Baby! Love You.


Ahh Shucks! Looks like you got it this year. HAHAHA!


I'm going to take the high road this year and not get you an emo gift.

Instead, you get nasty ass cheese logs!

Eat it and cry you SOB! LOL, heart you buddy.


You'd think i'd be running out of ideas by now eh?


I am!

Used can opener for you! Merry Fucking Christmas!


I know you are an avid football player. It's been my experience that is one small step from full faggotry. To get you started on the right track i've hired Han's, your new life coach.


I kidnapped a cheerleader for you. Have your way with her and give back the remains.

Merry Christmas!

Patty Cakes

Now would be the time to throw in something about "Owned" or "Pizza" or possibly "Gambling" Right?

Not this year son!

An all expense paid trip back to the homeland in the brand new Yacht!

Catch is, it's highly infested with yellow fever, hope you've had your shots. :)


I know you weren't too happy with the results of this years election so I figured I'd get you a "get out of jail free ticket"

See you in four to eight years buddy. Gonna miss you. :(


I hold you in high regards my friend.

No gag for you this year.



I realize how Indian parents can be. So, I got you somebody that you and your parents can compromise on!

And believe me, she comes with one hell of a dowry. LOL!


Get the hormones under control! HAHA!


Just too easy!


Light it up with the new release!


You've upgraded this year! No Frank Stallone.

This year it's Jesse and the Rippers! Rock On!


A picture so mommy and daddy can be proud!

Oh yeah, I went there.


Uh Oh! Another case of writers block.

Tire Iron! In other words... Ask for your shit early! LOL


Don't know much about you yet except that you are from the big KC

So... You get this.

Hope you're not gay, otherwise I would have to go looking for more shit.


I am willing to bet that you have this already but if not...

I'd say it fits you pretty well.


Like I said, sorry if some of these just didn't have alot of imagination to them this year.

None the less, I wish you all a very happy, healthy, and joyful Holiday Season.

Media / Caption This, Ver. 3.0
« on: December 19, 2008, 01:55:09 PM »
Insert caption to the following picture I took driving to work this morning.


General / IBM AS/400 Glory
« on: December 14, 2008, 06:14:25 PM »
For those of you who don't know. An IBM AS400 is a midrange mainframe. Basically a big ass server.

Here's the situation.

I have an older IBM AS400 at one of my hospitals. It's on it's very last lag. It's terribly slow and for the last year I have lost quite a bit of sleep over it crashing.

I finally found myself in an advantageous situation where I could replace the damn thing with a brand new iSeries (new version of the as400).

Shitty thing is, to migrate to the new server I have had to take the old one down for quite a while.

Tonight the mission was to do a full system save, roughly a million or so objects. Close to a terabytes worth of data.

On any other full system save I would use SLR60 Tapes to backup the data because that is what is inherently installed in the mainframe. Since I am migrating to a new server I have had to rent a new external tape drive that wills support the same media as the new server.

Suffice it to say, installing anything new on a mainframe as old as this one (going on eight years), is not the easiest task in the world.

For one, it barely supports the interface (propriety IBM PCI variant), and to beat it all when I go to use it, the damn thing fucks up.

I planned for a full system save time of around seven hours.

That seven hours has now turned into nine and I forsee it going to twelve hours.

Downtime on an Information System that is relied upon to control EVERYTHING in an environment is basically unacceptable and causes alot of hardship on the employees of that environment. So, for the time being everybody hates my ass. Just one of the perks of IT world.

Anyway, i've posted some pictures below so you can revel in my struggles.

AS400 Mainframe Cracked open for the first time since being manufactured.

Brand new Tape Drive I had to crack open.

Tape feed assembly of the drive I had to fix.

The Horror! Gut's everywhere!

After Five Hours, Hazaa! Writing to the drive!


It was indeed a twelve hour ordeal. All systems operational after Full System Save. Ready for Migration.

Media / Little Whore Get's Busted!
« on: December 08, 2008, 05:40:48 AM »


p.s. It was I who took Lizzy's virginity. HAHAHA!

Spam / Lessons
« on: November 17, 2008, 05:03:07 PM »
You learn something new everyday.

My lesson, server room's are instant pantie droppers.

That is all.

Media / Halloween Costumes
« on: October 30, 2008, 07:22:21 PM »
Anybody got any costumes this year?

Last year mine was Anakin Skywalker.

This year it's Commissioner James Gordon from the Dark Knight.

I'll post the actual costume tomorrow.

Edit: Me with one of Gotham City's Officers

Me with a hot nurse.

Yes, the stash is real. Grew it out for the occasion.

Spam / An epiphany
« on: October 16, 2008, 08:18:01 PM »
Bluetooth headsets are awesome.

Picked up the Motopure H12 Today


Along with my HTC 8525


These two items make a combo made of pure epic win.

News / Fuck You Apple, I'm a PC!
« on: September 21, 2008, 06:08:17 AM »
Steve Ballmer, Microsoft's CEO goes batshit over PC's


Games / Star Wars Force Unleased
« on: September 16, 2008, 03:52:05 PM »
Picked it up today.


Highly recommend on PS3. Star Wars HD Game + HDTV = OWNAGE!

Media / Internet Phenomenon In the Making
« on: September 09, 2008, 08:53:38 PM »
We all know these ridiculous videos that have no point but still yet get a massive amount of hits.

i.e. The Badger Video, Chris Crocker, Dancing Babies, e.t.c

I found a video posted on youtube yesterday that may very well be the next internet phenomenon. Keep watching and watch the hits skyrocket!


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