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Messages - -=GGSF=- Adolf_1938

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Flame / My names Forest, Forest Gump!
« on: November 16, 2006, 03:24:48 PM »
Ma ma always said, lifes a'like a box ah chocalates. Niggers show up, spend thier load in our white woman, then leave'em 4 the Social Security lines when they get pregnant, just so they can go fuck some other white chck and get her pregnant. U know, kinda how the chocaltes in the box are good only for a couple bites. Dont u'all know tht these niggers nowadays are just like Bubba from tht movie! They just dont own/operate a shrimpin business! POINT: there all FUCKING RETARDS!!

[SIZE="6"]WHITE POWER!! w00t!![/SIZE]

Media / McDonalds "special" diet message
« on: November 10, 2006, 06:44:06 PM »


Media / can you say owned?
« on: October 21, 2006, 07:00:23 PM »
lol, nice clip. but it is a little dull after awhile.

BF 1942 / Thx
« on: October 16, 2006, 04:34:05 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Balthazar
Wasser said nothing related to the map being hard; try reading for comprehension next time. btw... I changed your forum name.

No he did not Balthazar, he said tht Axis had the upper hand w/ 2 AA's and tht they could hit anywhere in there base. They cant, one has a house blocking it and the others on a hill. So no, Axis doesn't quite have the upper hand when it comes to this matter. And thx 4 changing my forum name Balthazar.

BF 1942 / r u nuts?!
« on: October 16, 2006, 03:58:17 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Wasserfaller
what's the issue with the allied AA? The axis team has two AA guns, and eventhough they aren't right next to the flag, both of them can hit any vehicle or person at the flag. Don't make excuses, especially shitty ones like that. Market Garden pwns.

Obviously, ur not very good on this map wasserfaller. The allies have the upper hand w/ AA. If ur good at this map, u know how to avoid the two Axis AA's. All u really have to do is grab the flag, get in ur jeep and hit turbo. The guy on the AA wont know wht the fuck to do. Then all thts left to do is turbo over the river. Unless u wanna get a ride from a plane to ur base. Then just meet up with them at the edge of the map, and get the fuck in there plane. U have 2 be creative Wasserfaller.
Oh, I have quit [DOA], so yeah. I still hope its a good battle. I wish I could be there for the 1942 wars. Well, i'll be c'in yas! Oh and Bettle, if u get a chance, can u change my forum name on this site to -=GGSF=- Adolf_1938? Thx pal.

BF 1942 / [DOA] vs. *MAFIA*
« on: September 17, 2006, 05:09:50 AM »
Alrt Beetle. I'll be doin the same on my side. Could u give me a list of available 1942 modded maps on ur server list to choose from. I'll post a poll and let u know which 2 our clan has chosen. Hope to play u soon!

BF 1942 / [DOA] vs. *MAFIA*
« on: September 14, 2006, 12:35:55 PM »
Quote from: Snipester
No, No,.. We will do 2 DC and 2 1942. The DC will be modded by us and the 1942 by you guys (unless you want us to do it?).
I propose that on DC maps MAFIA will pick their side first and on 1942 Maps we will pick our side first.. Therefore no bitching about unfair advantages.. You can chose the 1942 maps and we will chose the DC (again unless you want us to do it all)

It doesnt matter what server aslong as we make it as even as possible..

I LOVE this idea Snipester. Just one little tweek though, they pick wht DC maps they want, and we pick wht 1942 maps we want. *MAFIA* will give us a maplist of available maps to choose from, tht they've modded, and they can choose two maps from the list I gave them.
Get back w/ us on the two maps u want *MAFIA*, we need time to mod.

BF 1942 / [DOA] vs. *MAFIA*
« on: September 14, 2006, 12:16:21 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Partyboy
Ill do it 2. But we might need Pro. and Adolf if we actually do it it should be regualr 1942 for us to.

If we did, the maps would be regular maps, and not modded. If u give us time, we might be able to mod a map tht u pick of course. I dont expect this battle to happen like next week, or the week after tht. It needs to be organized and we need to do this rt. I will get w/ Beetle on the particulars.

BF 1942 / [DOA] vs. *MAFIA*
« on: September 13, 2006, 06:19:23 PM »
Thx 4 takin this serious beetle. I expected the others to di-sect the first Post and I can say, they proved their intelligence once again.
This is a serious challenge and I would appreciate serious anwsers.

Quote from: *MAFIA* Phantom
I thought DOA wanted nothing to do with *MAFIA*?

To anwser ur ?, Blacksheep said tht like a yr ago man. The past is the past and Blacksheep has accepted tht fact. *MAFIA* members are more than welcome to come on our vent, server, and forums. And, as long as we dont break forum rules, whitch I haven't here, [DOA] members can go on any message board they feel like.

General / Happy Birthday Jesus Juice!
« on: September 13, 2006, 06:09:49 PM »
[DOA] would like to wish u a pleasant day on ur B-Day Beetle. Party Hardy buddy.

[DOA] Adolf_1938 speaking on behalf of the,
[DOA] Clan.

BF 1942 / [DOA] vs. *MAFIA*
« on: September 13, 2006, 02:53:54 PM »
OK, since challenges for clans are few and far between, i suggest a clan match. Our clan ([DOA]) versus ur clan (*MAFIA*). I know there is some bad blood between some of our members and some of urs, but common guys, its just a damn game! I am suggesting we do this scrim on [DOA]'s server. We dont have any advantages over anybody else and there isn't the temptation. U will get first dibbs on bases and wht u choose is urs. Here is our current map list if u want to vote on a map to play:

DC- Oil Fields
DC- El Alamein
DC- Bocage
DC- Lost Village
DC- Berlin
DC- Stalingrad
DC- Desert Shield
DC- Omaha Beach
DC- Gazala
DC- Urban Seige
DC- Basrah Nights
DC- Basrah Edge
DC- Battle of 73 Eastings

 We only have conquest maps! We should choose 3 maps and say the best 2 outta 3 will win.  IDK if u guys wanna do this or not, but I think it'll b a good thing. I think were all mature gamers and we need to overcome our differences for eachother and compete. Well, I hope u will take this under consideration.

            - [DOA] Adolf_1938 -

Help / help with forums
« on: August 31, 2006, 07:39:37 AM »
U dont listen very well do u. The average computer is hacked, or attempted, every min. So, if u spend 3 min. "flaming the hell" outta this faggot, thts 3 hackers tht could of potentially hacked ur computer, infect it with the little bullshit cookie virus's he/she uses, or even a worm. U have security for a reason. If u wanna constantly b protected, uninstall McAfee, subscribed or not, and install AVG! Do u have a hard time understandin English or somethin man? Were just tryin 2 help u out.


Media / Dear Penis
« on: August 29, 2006, 07:13:09 PM »
Heres a funny vid/song tht u might find ammusing. http://www.jokefrog.com/flash/dear-penis.shtml
Have fun guys, hope u like the vid and song.

BF 1942 / Mafia Vs. Public
« on: August 29, 2006, 12:56:47 PM »
If u ppl wanna do a *MAFIA* v. Public, I have a server we can go on, and its modded. Only thing is, it's a Desert Combat server. I dont see y tht would b a problem. U ppl know tht i'm actually [DOA] Adolf_1938-Admin, but it is public, and I wanna see if the new hacks I made work against my old pals. Well, g2g, c ya boys later.

P.S.---It wasnt very smart, Pussy Cat, 2 challenge *MAFIA*! U should stay in ur own league. I've played a couple of ur members, and they sucked!

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