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Messages - [DOA] Programmer_One

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General / Gametiger
« on: August 19, 2005, 11:52:50 AM »
Quote from: Mustang
so if your hunting down DOA to pwn there asses i would reccomend using this.

The only reason MAFIA wouldn't have any problem pwning a few people in DOA is because they are the people from your former clan.

Graphics / Hot Graphics Mods
« on: August 19, 2005, 11:48:46 AM »
Crumpet - why do you keep bothering these poor MAFIA guys with your endless spewing of shit.

Nobody cares about you, your abilities, your forum, or your pathetic little worthless biological chemical processes you call your life. Nobody likes you. Hell, your own little TT clan failed simply because your own members hated you; which says a lot because your members were the kind of people that grow up to be street sweepers or the homeless.

You are the most annoying person that I have ever seen post on an Internet forum and I can safely say that I've seen them all. You can't spell, you're annoying, young, stupid and to top it all off you're British. What you are doing here right now is called trolling. You are trying to bring attention to yourself because you are so worthless and pathetic that you need attention of people on the Internet to try and make yourself feel like you aren't just a puddle of organic material.

What I am giving you right now is some excellent advice that could even help you become more of a human - unplug yourself from the Internet for the next 5 years and get yourself a fucking life.

BF 1942 / DOA's Race Track in the Sky....
« on: August 17, 2005, 01:37:25 AM »
Quote from: Crumpet
^^ your both retards, both of your mums are retards

Dude. Stop it. You're embarrassing yourself.

General / Killer Pings
« on: August 15, 2005, 10:17:00 PM »
Quote from: Crumpet
wow... its so stupid how we are having a friendly chat and then there is you bitching.. thats all you do..

You see, the thing is crump3t, that is what you always do yourself. Except you don't come in and bitch; you smash you head on the keyboard a few times and then hit the Submit Reply button.

BF 1942 / DOA's Race Track in the Sky....
« on: August 15, 2005, 10:13:34 PM »
Quote from: Crumpet
hhahahahahahaha! ^^ OWNED ^^

You're a retard. Nobody was talking to you.

BF 1942 / DOA's Race Track in the Sky....
« on: August 12, 2005, 11:00:58 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Brick
Why is DOA such pussys? everytime i go in there server i get kicked for such childish reasons!

Because you smell.

BF 1942 / DOA's Race Track in the Sky....
« on: August 11, 2005, 11:14:08 PM »
It seems that by popular demand I am going to have to make another one...maybe bigger.

Gazala, I have my eye on you.

Flame / [DOA] NIG-GER Member! <--- appauling
« on: August 08, 2005, 12:39:02 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* ICEMAN
Thats over the line, you know it, and that is fucking bullshit.

Dude, I still totally pwnd you and your dead sister.

Flame / [DOA] NIG-GER Member! <--- appauling
« on: August 06, 2005, 06:38:44 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* ICEMAN
my girlfirend of over a year died 2 weeks ago, so thanks for choosing that low blow

Yes because he was supposed to know your sister died...

Flame / [DOA] NIG-GER Member! <--- appauling
« on: August 05, 2005, 10:54:12 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* ICEMAN
that's oddly ironic considering the fact that 90% of DOA is under 8 years old... and the maturity of 8 years old to go along with it.... and the only person who reaches that requirement in MAFIA, is Lil Evil who's 7, and she has more maturity than the 90% of DOA.

And, the only post I made with out a lick of maturity was my first one.  If you actually took the time to read all my other posts, they are filled with maturity and intelligence.  So, use some of that brain power of yours, and get your eyes to working and try and read sometimes.

KrautKiller is cool man, and so is Pain.  Kraut may be emo, but we still love his emo ass, and he didn't have any outrageous remarks really.  Nothing more than I've seen 9/10 of your DOA members say about mafia on your forums.  Pain, he can't type worth shit, lol.  He's a total newbie to forums.  If you were ever on Ventrilo, DOA or MAFIA (not in the admin conference room), and made casual chat to get to know one another more, then maybe you'd see how mature Pain and Kraut really are.  Pain is a mellowed out motherfucker who rarely has outbursts and is quite cool on ventrilo and ingame.  Were just out to have a good time like you too.

I don't have the time to read all this crap in this thread. I am cutting corners and just going on what I've heard from other people. I didn't even see the drama that some members of *MAFIA* apparantly played out on our server, but I do know that your name came up in our conversations. From the things I heard, what you did didn't seem very mature and intelligent.

However, did you take the time to read the very first post in this thread? Your post? Mature and intelligent? You are spouting more crap than a 3 year old baby with explosive diarrhea. You're making things up just to implicate DOA so that you can make us look bad - why? Don't you have anything else to do with your life then the shit you are doing now? Are you such a loser that you go around other people's servers causing trouble? What do you care if we filter the word, "nigger?" Fuck, if I wanted to I could filter "Queen of England" if I so pleased. None of your god damn business what we do on our server. If you don't like it there are plently of others servers you go go waste your pathetic life on.

Have a nice day. :)

EDIT: Why the fuck aren't quotes working?

Flame / [DOA] NIG-GER Member! <--- appauling
« on: August 04, 2005, 11:48:50 PM »
*MAFIA* should really think about kicking out krautkiller, pro-pain and ICEMAN seeing that they don't have the maturity level beyond that of an 8 year old. (And I thought you need to be 15+ to get into MAFIA).

Flame / [DOA] NIG-GER Member! <--- appauling
« on: August 03, 2005, 12:39:45 PM »
Holy shit you guys are a bunch of morons

BF 1942 / doa wants to kill u
« on: July 25, 2005, 03:20:24 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Snake Pliskin
Quote from: '[DOA

If you are to say that I am still sucking on my mother's tits, that would mean that your crackhead father's condom is yet to break in your mother's cunt, bukko ;)

Its ok little boy your mommy will be back soon. :002: BTW You might have been something to your mother, but your fuck all to me. "BUKKO" :)

Holy shit dude, you suck at retaliating. If you are going to try and flame me at least put some effort into it.

BF 1942 / doa wants to kill u
« on: July 25, 2005, 02:29:23 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Snake Pliskin
No I think I got my point across just fine. Maybe when you get off your moms tit you will be old enough to go to school. With all the little TT kids in your clan, I’m sure you will have lots of friends there. :002:

If the point you wanted to get across was, "Hay look, I'm an angsty teenager", then it certainly worked.

If you are to say that I am still sucking on my mother's tits, that would mean that your crackhead father's condom is yet to break in your mother's cunt, bukko ;)

As for TT morons being in our clan, I don't really care. 90% of the people in my clan can't play for shit but you don't see me worrying about it. Go ahead and spew your bullshit - take peace in the fact that nobody is caring.

BF 1942 / doa wants to kill u
« on: July 25, 2005, 10:24:28 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Loaded
Because we like looking at all the bans in this thread, pretty.

Are you easily distracted by shiny objects too?

Quote from: *MAFIA* Snake Pliskin
So stupid fucks like you ask questions. :002:

Forgetting to write 'can' totally killed the effectiveness of your intellectually superior words.

Maybe there are some stupid fucks that need to go back to grade school. ;)

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