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Messages - Ins4n3

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 [9] 10 11 ... 61
« on: September 14, 2005, 03:41:24 PM »
How about this: Everyone likes what they like. You can say anyone in the music industry "sucks", but you'll also get thousands of their fans who think otherwise. To me, everything listed anywhere in this thread is garbage. That doesn't exactly mean they aren't good, I just don't like them.

People listen to what they like and they always will, case closed.

« on: September 14, 2005, 01:53:29 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Beetlejuice
Instead of having three posts in a row, just go back and hit the "edit" button on the bottom right of your post.  

He can't. (not registered)

Join / John Rice's Bio
« on: September 14, 2005, 01:19:27 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Beetlejuice
Ha, thats a good story man.  You have good writing skills.  But WHERE DID THAT COME FROM?  Hahahahahahaha hahahahhahaha.  Thats so random, I love it.  Man, you need to get on Ventrilo some time and talk to us.

Is this not the funniest post ever?!?!?!?!?!?!

He's always on ventrilo, if you had cable YOU WOULD KNOW THAT.

Join / John Rice's Bio
« on: September 14, 2005, 12:18:31 PM »
Fuckin hacker.

« on: September 13, 2005, 10:19:43 PM »
--- lol, your starting to see the light... the less famous the person is, chances are the better of a musician they are.  Music industry = crappy music.  I'll check out the band since your starting to really come around kraut, woot! ---

Heh, while I can't say I have supreme knowledge of the music industry, I will give my perspective on this.

Iceman is what I like to call  "a whiney ass bitch" (I just woke up and can't think of a more suitable term). I saw alot of these kids in high school, some of them were even my friends (all the better to observe and draw knowledge of the situation from). Now I'm not sure the cause of this phenomenon, however I have a feeling the internet could have something to do with it. From what I have seen, this is how the process works:

This kid finds a band in which they think is cool, and like their music. 99.999% of the time this is an "underground" band, or in otherwords, one which is not very well known yet. If the band *is* good, they will begin to attract fans, usually through the internet/word of mouth and other small time means of advertisement.

Now how *good* a band/musician is depends on your perspective. Some people (Iceman) judge them solely based upon their musical talent. However that can only get a person so far. Whether you like it or not, you need to be an entertainer on top of being a good musician if you want to make it in the music industry. People can like your music, but if you can't entertain them while they listen to it, they are going to lose interest.

While I admit I don't know everything about the music industry, I do know that most of them are not stupid and they like to make money like the rest of us. Now what happens is one of these record companies finds out about said band, gives them a record deal, the band blows up, mtv, vh1, the whole 9 yards. This is where it gets interesting. See at some point when the band reaches famed status many of their long time, "underground" fans begin to resent them and their success, usually calling the band a "sell-out". Why? No idea. Is it their fault they became famous? Possibly, and possibly not. Ever stop to think maybe its YOUR fault? Remember those 2 friends you told about that awesome band you "discovered"? Well you don't know about the 4 friends they told, and the 3 friends their friends told, and so on and so forth. Once the cycle went through this band now has thousands of fans, you think the music industry doesn't notice that? Wrong, they do. That is how they make money, they pay attention to not only the talented, but the popular as well.

News / Football Season Starts Today
« on: September 13, 2005, 09:53:47 PM »
Awww you guys are just jealous because time and time again they beat down your precious dolphins/cowboys/whoeveryoulike. It's ok though, you aren't alone in your denial.

Oh, and Rahl:

Shoot yourself.

News / Football Season Starts Today
« on: September 13, 2005, 05:07:58 PM »


Help / wireless problems
« on: September 13, 2005, 01:24:18 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Vanillathrilla
ya you want to get the same card as your router. i have linksey but i got it fixed. although isn't there a way that you can put a password on it so that if you want to join the network you have to know the pass word. that way no one else can get free internet off my wireless. sry i am a noob at this.

I'd have to say theres a 99.9% chance that there is SOME security feature. It may not be a password, but it could be a security key you need to input (which is essentially the same thing). Look in the user's manual of the router, or just go into the router setup and look around.

« on: September 13, 2005, 10:07:29 AM »
You know, I don't need to get into the whole cheater/non-cheater thing again since that topic has been beaten to death. I cheat because it's fun, simple as that. I can't speak for anyone else, however I know alot of us feel the same.

Stat padding (for me) isn't about rank. I don't do it so I can feel "cool" because I have a higher rank than someone. I do it because I want to unlock those damn guns. Now most non cheaters will say something along the lines of "Well then just play the game the proper way and you'll get the guns." Thing is, I honestly don't look forward to playing a game 14 hours a day, every day just to be able to unlock a few weapons. It's kind of ridiculous that we all pay the same to buy the game, but our enjoyment of it is solely based upon how often we play on EA's servers? Pretty shitty way to make a game if you ask me.

 If EA never made this rank bullshit and have locked weapons, it wouldn't have been a problem. I mean shit, think about it. EA isn't going to keep their stats servers online forever, 2 or 3 years from now when they are moving their resources to focus on a new game they'll take down their stats servers and all you fools playing this game 14 hours a day just to say you have a few more points than someone will be kicking yourselves.

A person's ranking isn't directly proportional to their skill level. Anyone who thinks so is a fucking joke. I don't need some computer calculations to tell me how good I am, I'll just pwn you and prove it that way, whether I'm a private or a sergeant major ;).

Join / Wondering if i can join
« on: September 12, 2005, 09:52:54 PM »

Help / wireless problems
« on: September 12, 2005, 09:47:41 PM »
If his router isn't recognizing the wireless card (which happens sometimes when you have two products made by two different manufacturers which aren't specifically made to be compatible with each other) then he's going to have to go through the setup to get the shit working. I'm was just asking since he's asking for help and thats a legitimate possibilty. I would know since I had the same problem with my old router.

Help / wireless problems
« on: September 12, 2005, 01:51:12 PM »
I'm assuming your wireless router and wireless card are made by the same company? If not then you're probably gonna have to fuck with it quite a bit.

If they are, do like Bonehead and Rick suggested, go into your router setup and see if security is on and turn it off if it is.

Also, when you put in your wireless card, did your computer recognize and install it?

News / Football Season Starts Today
« on: September 11, 2005, 06:38:56 PM »
Patriots are gonna own. AGAIN.

News / Hurricane Katrina
« on: September 11, 2005, 11:58:48 AM »
Maybe I'm wrong, but if I was in thier situation, proper spelling wouldn't be my main concern at the moment.

Spam / Music Related Things
« on: September 09, 2005, 10:04:00 PM »
I dont get it. Whats the whole linux thing about, seems like more work than its worth. All this command line crap, all these lines and lines and lines of commands, just to do the simplest little things. Seems like a waste of time more than anything.

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