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Messages - *MAFIA* NiTrO

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 [9] 10 11 ... 16
News / Re: Fuel Economy
« on: May 20, 2009, 06:28:31 PM »
well muscle cars in production will still exist but u will have to pay taxes bigger than what they are currently :gas guzzler tax: besides they wont kill nascar or f1 or drag racing so there will still be hot rods and suff just cost more to insure or register it thats all, just from now on cars made will have to be better so...


to much wanted to late

General / Re: Dying
« on: May 19, 2009, 03:35:29 PM »
like whoops said even if walking it couldn't hit u directly at 90 degrees when it would be supposedly falling straight down, and dune makes sense as well it would splatter, just look at ur windshield wiper spray when u push the button...der it splatters ...pic is FAIL.

BF 1942 / Re: Reckless *MAFIA* Stunts
« on: May 19, 2009, 03:32:00 PM »
nice vid homos
look for the next posts author most likely it will be a gay that has an obsession of lil boys....look below its prolly beatlejuice

Join / Re: Eye Wunna join MILFIA
« on: May 17, 2009, 07:32:06 AM »
this is be * NOTED*

Join / Re: hello , I want to join *MAFIA*
« on: May 16, 2009, 06:48:45 AM »

Join / Re: hello , I want to join *MAFIA*
« on: May 05, 2009, 05:37:42 PM »

good luck cock queen....

btw before u bitch i was just fucking around with ya nigger,,

General / Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY *MAFIA* ( . )Y( . )
« on: May 05, 2009, 05:31:33 PM »
hey greg maybe your mom and dad will bake u a cake with a big penis on it and sing happy birthday to their special lil MOOCH that they have been diaper changing for 44 years....
and btw way love ya and fuck off....
u been hacked:

Media / Re: "We've been looking forward to this day..."
« on: April 28, 2009, 04:31:14 PM »
lol and the chicken was gone to to over run of niggers and roaches.....fa il niggers....wha ts next a watermellon and koolaid shortage....lo l.

Flame / Re: Pit Bulls
« on: April 25, 2009, 07:16:54 PM »
good job... yay

Join / Re: Referrals
« on: April 25, 2009, 06:17:15 PM »
a yes from me as well he is aight

Flame / Re: Pit Bulls
« on: April 22, 2009, 03:58:37 PM »
well said. those are facts maggot . the same ones in fact a breeder tells and shows...thanks for assisting my point.. O0

but one thing many ppl say they are bitten or chased by a pit bull but one thing thats annoying is mis-matching breeds
a pit has hair that is as fine as an eyelash, any longer at all its a mut. period!

Help / Re: Disk Errors
« on: April 21, 2009, 07:29:12 PM »
he deleted the gay porn......of him and misfit

Flame / Pit Bulls
« on: April 21, 2009, 06:59:00 PM »
congrats drunk ass for spending all night on Wikipedia, and then adding some bullshit self experience  im sure if this was German shepherds Ur mom would have been bitten too, go fuck Ur self, Ur annoyance is beyond the threshold of common morons its saddening how u are willing to attempt to sound smart on a subject that doesn't include u at all, if u wanna be a genius then find someone else who truly gives a fuck. and how the fuck could my dog be a special docile BREAD of pit when there is only one to begin with.. and again its DUMB MOTHER FUCKERS WHO MAKE THE PIT A BAD DOG, the most annoying thing is when some one is bitten by a dog or stray, they automatically assume its a pit or should i say an American bull terrier..
      but i understand to a point where ppl get off on having them to make them feel bigger because the dogs power and presence but that in no way is how my dog was raised. period i will defend the breed to the end because if u neglect the dog it will grow hate, there is NO scientific proof to prove they are meaner than any other dog, akc or ckc breeders know this more than ur drunk ass so drop it.
and in no way again will the dog just turn on you, ur dad ass was bit because he wasn't the owner of it, just like rot rottweilers they protect there family at all cost, that dog knew either everyone was gone or asleep so he immediately went into protection had the owner been there at the second of confrontation it wouldn't happen, a fucking chihuahua will do the same shit but its so small it gives up, and your cute wanna be fact of their pain resistance is only the determination, like i stated b4, if u train the dog to love it will no matter what, if u train it with hate it will kill no matter what. period so fuck off.,...ur annoying and im tired of arguing with a wannabe.
i shouldt have even posted a response but ur just ridiculous .
oh and dont bother getting more WIKI for a new comment.

Flame / Pit Bulls
« on: April 20, 2009, 05:28:51 PM »
and to dune  ! a pit bull is just as any dog , their determination is what makes them the way they are, THERE is NO such thing as a dog just turning , if u ignore the dogs signs that something is bothering them they will try to solve it the only way they know, to bite u,they just cant say "stop annoying me or tell the kid to stop slapping me and throwing rocks at me " so b4 u start acting like a person of no clue let me enlighten u alil, if u are good to the dog it will be good to u, only the owner can provoke and mold the behavior of the animal. pits as well as any another dog only do what their owner lets them do, this comes from much experience around them as my neighbor was a breeder of them and sold them for good money getting my interest into them, because i was once loaded with blind bullshit on this specific breed.
they are no different than a fucking hamster if u train the behavior that u want my dog has never needed a leash nor a fence once she hit 2 months old she is now 5 and doing great the only thing she has done was eat my lg cell phone, she stays inside all day till i get home and let her out for a bit, and lemme say that nothing in my home changes the whole time im gone, she wont even eat or drink knowing that she cant go outside till i get there...

and to bone: thanks for the compliment i enjoy her and love her like a kid she is the best pet i have had or dealt with,..

General / Re: UN BAN MISFIT
« on: April 20, 2009, 04:43:02 PM »
lol mod it sounds good. to include crazy mods , balls to the wall for a few weeks till 1943 is ready sounds great......... ..

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