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Messages - *MAFIA* Meeester

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Oh hey look at that.. another thread merged.

You've exceeded your daily limit of idiotic threads. Your excess has been moved.

Also, go fuck yourself.

Flame / Re: Meeester's Momma drama
« on: May 06, 2012, 05:47:30 AM »
Well from my perspective. You sound like an arrogant, hatefull young man and I would be lighty supprised if you didn't cause the whole breakup yourself. And what is this????? Do you want us to pat you on the back for being a devil son and breaking up your family? Let me get this straight, you called the police on your own mom! What the hell is going on in your head it sounds like your dad is Charles Manson?

You don't appear to have read at all Dune. First line of my post says this is just a vent for myself. I don't give a damn what you specifically think, but I know for a fact my mom has treated my sister's like shit, so don't you even try to convince me otherwise.

I had no intention of telling any of you this, but I am so god damned pissed tonight that I need somewhere to vent to. Living with MG couldn't have been this bad. I do feel much better after typing this though.

... my mom lived alone with my little sister. My mother didn't cook a single god damned meal for my sister, didn't clean up the house for shit, shouted drunkenly almost every mother fucking night at my sister, and made my sister cry so many god damned times that I have wanted to smack my mom's fat face into the wall on several occasions.

I returned to find my mom yelling at my sister because my mom thought my sister had called my dad to tell him what happened. I flipped my shit. I shouted at my mom for a good half hour until she shut the fuck up. Every one left to their own room and didn't talk to each other for a good 3 days. After that it was the usual walking on eggshells until Christmas when we had another awkward session without drama.

Now I haven't spoken to my mom in 2 months, but that hasn't stopped her from sending me drunken texts every night. My mom continues to be passive aggressive, or threaten to use legal bullshit (that doesn't exist) to get custody of my younger sister, or guilt trip us, or fucking spy on us.

Her latest guilt trip involved her father's recent death 2 weeks ago. When he died, we all wanted to attend his funeral, but my mom would not give us a straight answer. It was Tuesday, no it was moved to Friday, now it was actually on Wednesday. Because of this, only she had gone to the funeral. She then called my dad and tried to guilt trip him by telling him that if my sisters or I had shown up, then we would have been entitled to a $100,000 inheritance, EACH. Now this is total bullshit because we all knew my grandfather was in a shitton of debt and his farm wasn't worth shit anymore. One of my cousins was there who would have been entitled to the same inheritance, yet she had not recived anything, confirming our suspicion of my mom bullshitting us.

SO that is what I have been dealing with for the past year or so.

News / Re: Will you buy stock in Facebook?
« on: May 05, 2012, 06:19:39 PM »
I just don't see $95 BILLION in value. There is a large profit to be made with Facebook, but I believe it has already peaked and that this IPO is overstating that peak. I don't seeing Facebook increasing in value for more than 6 months before falling out.

Maybe a a couple billion with its huge user base and ad revenue, but $95 Billion is ridiculous.

Flame / Re: Meeester's Momma drama
« on: May 05, 2012, 06:17:10 PM »
I hope that is a bad pic, because your mom looks like she has arms that could lift a truck.

When I mspainted the picture, I noticed that when I zoomed in lol.

She has big arms, but she is just heavy set. It's all fat. I had to tell that to the police when I called.

By the way, this was the first time I had spoken to my mother in person in over 2 months.

Flame / Re: Meeester's Momma drama
« on: May 05, 2012, 04:22:51 PM »
So god damned happy. My mother has been barred from coming to the wedding.

My older sister sounded like she was going to strangle my mother through her phone when I called to tell her about the incident.


Flame / Re: Meeester's Momma drama
« on: May 05, 2012, 06:03:57 AM »
Oh hey what's that? Oh right, it's the police called for breaking and entering.

Bitch woke me up at 8:30 today, knowing damn well that my dad wasn't there for her to talk to, then lets herself in after knocking for 5 minutes. She went straight to my younger sister's room to talk to her, but that shit was not about to happen. I called my mom back up to the kitchen, told her to leave, she refused, I called the police. Dad came rushing back from his trip up north. Luckily he had only left a few hours before so he wasn't far. No charges pressed because it would be too damn difficult with court dates.


(Also you can't rustle my jimmies Hell.)

General / Happy Birthday ßlåkjáx
« on: May 04, 2012, 10:26:56 PM »
Get BF3 on the pc and join the master-race.

Or just drink then play it on the ps3. Same thing.

Flame / Re: Meeester's Momma drama
« on: May 04, 2012, 08:27:37 PM »
Do you remember any good times with her? Does she have any friends maybe at work? Maybe you should show up at her work and talk to her then since she is sober then. She is obviously bored and has nothing else to do but bother you guys; she's probably disappointed with her life and feels worthless so she acts out.

I just don't give a fuck anymore. She has treated all 4 of us like shit for a year now. She can just go fuck herself.

I only wish my dad would block her number like the rest of us have.

Flame / Re: Meeester's Momma drama
« on: May 04, 2012, 07:30:31 PM »
Tried to have a calm, peaceful dinner at Applebees with my dad like we do every Friday but no. She decided that she was going to pound more natties than a lax bro in college, then call my dad, I SHIT YOU NOT, 22 times and 12 texts in the span of an hour.

Her threats from just tonight included but were not limited to: taking custody of my sister, repossessing my car, my dad's car, and my sister's car (all of which are in my dad's name and NOT hers), and threatening him with "Bad Carma who will shit on you and your boyfriend you bring back home".

Drunk bitch ruined half price appetizers.

Flame / Re: Meeester's Momma drama
« on: May 04, 2012, 10:42:14 AM »
I'm just curious what she wants, or why she thinks she's so special, or even what she thinks she would have without you guys. At least she works though. How old is your younger sister? I feel she is the most in danger here.
What she wants in sympathy even though she was the unfaithful one, NOT my father.

My younger sister is 17, but she will be a legal adult in November. I.E. exempt from any possible custody charges by my mom, which she has indeed threatened. Stupid cunt.

Flame / Re: Meeester's Momma drama
« on: May 03, 2012, 06:07:06 AM »
She will be all alone with a turantula in a house where she has to steal electricity from her neighbor.

In all honesty I don't doubt this being possible.

Flame / Re: Meeester's Momma drama
« on: May 02, 2012, 09:13:50 PM »
You need to stop siding against your mom, sit down and say what you've said to us, to just her, and the world could change for you bro.

She has been heavily drinking for the past 2 years. When any of us have tried to talk to her, she demands sympathy with what she says/claims.

This is her exact routine from May to December: Wake up at 4am, get ready for work, work until 6pm at elementary school, come home, grab a few natural lites (or sometimes a pint of 50/50 vodka and orange soda), then stew in her own anger for a few hours drunk.

There is no way in hell any of us were about to talk to that. Once she moved out for good, she started to play mind games or send everyone on a guilt trip for her leaving.

None of us are going to deal with her shit.

Though I do respect your opinion Dune and wish I could follow your suggestion, it just isn't feasible.

Join / Re: Bowchicawowwow
« on: May 02, 2012, 05:30:57 PM »
I don't believe you are going to boot camp. I declare you a liar and will now pose questions to prove my assumptions correct then lie if you are indeed telling the truth.


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