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Messages - *MAFIA* Meeester

Pages: 1 ... 9 10 [11] 12 13 ... 90
News / Re: R.I.P. Jr. Seau
« on: May 02, 2012, 10:56:54 AM »
Self inflicted gunshot wound to the chest, presumably he had the intent to donate his brain like Dave Duerson.


Join / Re: Bowchicawowwow
« on: May 01, 2012, 06:01:19 PM »
Nigger you serious?

Flame / Re: Meeester's Momma drama
« on: May 01, 2012, 12:57:22 PM »
I've been reading, a lot, lately to deal with stress. Works pretty well.

Flame / Meeester's Momma drama
« on: April 30, 2012, 08:50:05 PM »
I had no intention of telling any of you this, but I am so god damned pissed tonight that I need somewhere to vent to. Living with MG couldn't have been this bad. I do feel much better after typing this though.

Starting back ~12 months ago, my parents' marriage had obviously deteriorated; it had been rocky for the past 5 years, but these past 12 months have been pretty fucking bad. My dad had asked me for advice on what I would do in his situation. I was still giving my mom the benefit of the doubt and told my dad to try marriage counseling. He didn't take my advice, now I see why, and just waited for the inevitable.

My parents divorced in January, but my mom had been so shitfaced every god damned day from August to December that I never even fucking noticed her around the house other than as a slob. My dad had told my mom during the summer while she was visiting her father up in Virginia to just stay at his home for the entire summer and to not come back until the school year started back up. Even when I still  held some sort of respect for my mother, I knew that was a harsh call to make. When she came back in August, my dad moved out to stay at my sister's fiance's second unused home. While he lived there, my mom lived alone with my little sister. My mother didn't cook a single god damned meal for my sister, didn't clean up the house for shit, shouted drunkenly almost every mother fucking night at my sister, and made my sister cry so many god damned times that I have wanted to smack my mom's fat face into the wall on several occasions.

Note: I never ONCE felt like my dad had abandoned me or my sister during this time. He needed the time away to calm down. He had been stressed and depressed as hell for the past few months. I was too busy despising my mom.

Then came thanksgiving. The three of us had thanksgiving together while my dad was up in Virginia with his brothers. After my sister finished cooking we sat down to eat. The tension and awkwardness was bulletproof. My mom recognized this and left in a fit. I went for a drive to calm myself and call my dad to tell him. Now I see this was a horrible fucking idea. I returned to find my mom yelling at my sister because my mom thought my sister had called my dad to tell him what happened. I flipped my shit. I shouted at my mom for a good half hour until she shut the fuck up. Every one left to their own room and didn't talk to each other for a good 3 days. After that it was the usual walking on eggshells until Christmas when we had another awkward session without drama.

Now, in January, my mom had been invited to my older sister's wedding this May. My mom is already against the wedding but insists on acting like shes fine with it. She send these bullshit texts to my older sister making demands to not have the wedding until the divorce is finalized and other bullshit. My sister considered uninviting her, but decided against it.

Now I haven't spoken to my mom in 2 months, but that hasn't stopped her from sending me drunken texts every night. My mom continues to be passive aggressive, or threaten to use legal bullshit (that doesn't exist) to get custody of my younger sister, or guilt trip us, or fucking spy on us. She won't even let us talk this out at least once as a group. We, my dad and two sister and I, want to talk to her soon and not have our first meeting in two months to be at my older sister's wedding because that obviously wont end well.

Her latest guilt trip involved her father's recent death 2 weeks ago. When he died, we all wanted to attend his funeral, but my mom would not give us a straight answer. It was Tuesday, no it was moved to Friday, now it was actually on Wednesday. Because of this, only she had gone to the funeral. She then called my dad and tried to guilt trip him by telling him that if my sisters or I had shown up, then we would have been entitled to a $100,000 inheritance, EACH. Now this is total bullshit because we all knew my grandfather was in a shitton of debt and his farm wasn't worth shit anymore. One of my cousins was there who would have been entitled to the same inheritance, yet she had not recived anything, confirming our suspicion of my mom bullshitting us.

SO that is what I have been dealing with for the past year or so.

General / Re: YO!
« on: April 23, 2012, 08:31:45 AM »
inb4 all of mafia is inactive.

Welcome back

Media / Re: The Walking Dead Meets PraiseKirk.com
« on: April 18, 2012, 07:11:57 PM »
busy day at work?

General / Re: Happy Birthday Dilly
« on: April 16, 2012, 08:09:32 PM »
Happy inactive day

General / Re: Motorcycle thread
« on: April 15, 2012, 08:23:35 PM »
Ninja 250r. A friend of mine has one and likes it.

Enough bike to be a bike without enough power to get you in too much trouble.

General / Re: Xfire
« on: April 15, 2012, 12:32:44 PM »


News / Re: Election 2012
« on: April 14, 2012, 05:25:58 PM »
Romney, well IMO he is a fucking idiot. BUT even we will elect an idiot to get Obama out of office to try something new. To me Romney is a good business man, he will tell you what you want to hear, just to get close to you, then screw you in the ass to get your position, then do whatever he feels he wants to do, you know, like everyone's Boss.

+rep. I couldn't agree with you more

I feel Romney is close to being a powerful leader who "Walks softly and carries a big stick."

Teddy Roosevelt was a badass.

News / Re: Election 2012
« on: April 14, 2012, 04:20:34 PM »
Sound logic.

January 21, 2001 rings a bell. Stupid voting an whatnot.

News / Re: Election 2012
« on: April 14, 2012, 02:38:18 PM »
I saw "want" in the poll. I don't want either of them to win so I chose Romney.

Spam / Re: Time to bitch about my rommate
« on: April 12, 2012, 08:50:48 AM »
hey now, this is my attention whoring thread. take your lovers' quarrel elsewhere.

Spam / Re: Time to bitch about my rommate
« on: April 08, 2012, 08:17:58 AM »
I didn't hold frats in very high regard before reading this.

Now that I know a little bit more about them I think they're even more retarded than I did 5 minutes ago.

I have to agree.

Spam / Re: Time to bitch about my rommate
« on: April 07, 2012, 06:04:49 PM »
So I am still in my fraternity, but I am now in charge of all punishments. Unchecked power essentially was the only reason I gave the members for me to stay.

The russian is also in the fraternity, for now.

This fucker decided to go drinking with 2 other brothers which would have been fine but he called up Mr.Asswipe who was booted from the fraternity. Mr.Asswipe decided to take the 3 drunken morons to another frat house that didn't like us. This led to a huge shitstorm with people getting in fist fights and the mother of one of the guys threatening to sue the national headquarters for the fraternity.

As the guy in charge of punishments, I have to hold a hearing Tuesday for all 3 idiots, minus Mr.Asswipe who should never have been anywhere near them. Most likely outcome: Russian is kicked out, Guy who's mom is suing the frat is kicked out, Dumbass #3 will be given a fine since he is just a clueless fuckup.

But how was your weekend? Pollen count has been killer.

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