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Media / Saved by the Bell Fight!
« on: May 04, 2006, 09:57:17 AM »
Quote from: --
Is that guy in your sig Mugging that poor woman?

Haha. Nice, I do lots of drawing's for my art class. I wish I was that good.

Media / Saved by the Bell Fight!
« on: May 04, 2006, 07:07:05 AM »
We dont get that here. We probably do, but its on the stupid channels late at night...

Help / I Need Help
« on: May 03, 2006, 10:44:08 PM »
Okay that joke was not as funny unless somesays it to you, it must of been the way people tell it. My real name isnt Hallander. Thats just my name I use in-game.

Help / I Need Help
« on: May 03, 2006, 12:17:46 PM »
Quote from: Batman_the_Fat man
All the other programs worked WITH my firewall on Nvm i dont wont a virus I dont need hacks Delete this thread

Good luck on *MAFIA* server with no hacks.

Media / If you're Dutch, read this.
« on: May 03, 2006, 10:44:19 AM »
Indeed. Who would offer him the record contract?

General / Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag!
« on: May 03, 2006, 08:32:38 AM »

Drink loads.

Games / Border Patrol
« on: May 02, 2006, 11:51:57 AM »
If you dont do anything, the fat lady moves across the front of the screen very slowly sweating like a pig. Its very sexy to look at a fat mexican thats a single mother because you just shot her husband!

Reminds me strongly of the sexy babushka!

General / Terrorism
« on: May 02, 2006, 10:45:59 AM »
Dont brazil use a oil type substance  from their crops?

General / Terrorism
« on: May 02, 2006, 09:47:10 AM »
Quote from: GWAR 3:16
If you think importing cheap, throwaway goods, moving jobs and operations overseas, and undercutting the middle class is what makes America competitive, you have a really poor understanding of economics, and what makes a country economically strong.

You obviously haven't spent much time in the real world if you think that the middle class is comprised of 'lower American workers,' and that its 'their fault' for not completing high school or going to college.  Some people enjoy working with their hands.  You yourself might give it some consideration, because I'm not sure what type of white collar job you envision for yourself at your literacy level.   I also see that you have blue collar confused with fast food workers, its a common problem among children of afluent parents.  It comes from thinking of people who labor for a living as 'those people.'

You seem to think that each class exists in a vacuum, when in reality they're all dependent on each other.  Destroy one, and the rest will follow.  In 25 years America will be a country much like Brazil, where the small rich minority gets richer and the huge mass of 'lower workers' learns to live with their lot in life.  

Paying third worlders to make goods doesn't decrease their cost, it simply increases the profit margin for the corporation.  If you had bothered to check inflation statistics for 50 years ago, when far, far fewer goods were imported and there were no supergiantmega stores with their super cool mind control advertising, and nearly all manufactured goods were manufactured domestically, you would see that buying power was far higher, and while people appeared to make less, they also had much more purchasing power for each given dollar.  So I would rather buy goods that are made by Americans, at American living wages, for apparently higher prices, because when taken as a whole it strengthens the economy and our standard of living.  In 1950 the average annual income was nearly 10,000, and you could buy a car that was made of steel, and would last 50 years for 2000 dollars.  In 2000 the average income was 42,000, and today you're hard pressed to find a car that will last 15 years, and contains large amounts of plastic and other cheap materials for 20,000 grand.  That means in 1950, you could buy a durable car for 1/5 your annual income.  Today, you can buy a piece of shit for 1/2 your annual income, which barely anyone can afford outright and end up financing it(usury), and unless its a ricer it probably won't go 15 years without a major mechanical malfunction(tranny/engine/diff).  

None of this even matters because in 50 years America will have Balkanized, I will be known as the Atomic Fuhrer of Alaska, China will be the dominant World power, and Europe will be largely Islamic.

That will never happen to Europe :) I live in Rhineland, the goods their are mostly made in Germany. The chocolate is basicly not even exported.

Anyway about America turning into brazil, I agree. What your saying how the rich will get richer, as the poor get poorer.

It will happen to most countries when a period of about 2022-2050 when Mankind struggles to accumilate its recources correctly. When we do finnaly figure out what to do, it will either be to late, or that only few countries can afford the new form of recource. (As you can probably tell, I am talking about Oil)

It will happen in most of our lifetimes. The best you can do is sit back, relax, and await deportation.

Help / I Need Help
« on: May 02, 2006, 09:17:01 AM »
I never trust someone with batman_the_fat man as their username.

Try getting winrar. Or perhaps, a legal, safe computer.

Retarded computer, haha.

I'm guessing, if you are in charge of your computer, you have the following problams:

Your computer makes a groaning sound everytime you click.
Your computer shuts down and claims its "helping" when you do a virus scan.
You have no idea what "graphics" is.
Your computer is a microsoft 3.1
Your computer is a wind up.
Your computer crashes when you play solitare.

When you get them sorted out, please, feel free to download mafias hacks.

Help / HELP! NOW! PLS!
« on: May 02, 2006, 09:11:57 AM »
Quote from: masebot1
Nah im on good crack and pot  got from canada

Hmm. I have the strangest feeling diablo may have a point here.

Anyway proboards is good for a starter forum to get in members, then go to invision free, or vbulletin if you can rake out the money.

You can use html on proboards i have figured, but only with little things such as modding the headers and footers to form a shoutbox, you can use BB codes to use to make the banner for your forum. Try sites such as OCFGX and Imusion. They are good in handy tips for your proboard sites. Also, calm down. Please, for your sake and ours, calm the hell down.

Games / Border Patrol
« on: May 02, 2006, 09:00:36 AM »
I got a perfect score. Pretty easy game. They should put that on the arcade, its good.

Help / HELP! NOW! PLS!
« on: May 01, 2006, 12:25:28 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Bonehead
Indeed, I did put allot of work into the arcade, but it takes knowledge of php, and html, to make it work and you have neither. Sorry but best of luck :)

And proboards doesnt support any of those!

Have a nice day masebot.

Help / HELP! NOW! PLS!
« on: May 01, 2006, 11:40:58 AM »
Indeed. You cant have arcades on proboard sites, ive tried. Me and some guy from here work on a proboard site. We have lots of active members. Why? Because we make our own stuff, not have stuff people from your site (Probably most of your members are you, your just trying to improve your post count) stealing stuff from other sites.

1. Dont make everyone who posts a Moderator.
2. Add you URL to google
3. Make people want to come to your site, not because they have to because you told them to sign up there.
4. Your proboard skin is crap. Type into google proboard skins and click on one that I think is OCGFX or simuler. Now, after all that, you may rake in 2 members who are not you!

Games / Links
« on: May 01, 2006, 10:55:35 AM »
Okay so people dont have to register at that site, like I had to, here are the hacking links:

-RSH- Autotalker

-RSH- Autobuyer

-RSH- Automage

-RSH- Auto clicker

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