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Messages - *MAFIA* Balthazar

Pages: 1 ... 144 145 [146] 147 148 ... 156
Join / I'm new
« on: May 20, 2006, 04:17:33 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Wasserfaller
is that the movie with the song "highway to the danger zone" in it by that loggins fellow?

You know it! Best movie... EVER!

Join / I'm new
« on: May 19, 2006, 08:37:48 PM »
Quote from: avenger
well thank you im really good at bf 1942 but right just 2DAY i cracked 2 bones in my arm playing foot ball so i can't play worth sh** now

Dear god.. It seems that all at once all these fucking nibs and tards starting invading the forums. I'm going to have to break out the almighty ban stick soon.

This is getting monotonous... I've damn near come to the realization that every single thread you make should be moved to spam.

Media / yup thats me
« on: May 18, 2006, 11:44:11 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Milky Way

fuck you guys i did it first! makes you feel all good inside!

and a little something for balthy


Ban Ban Ban Ban Ban!

But seriously.. good stuff. :)

Games / AOE 3
« on: May 18, 2006, 06:36:33 PM »
Only have the original. But I may invest in a copy of AOE 3. :)

General / Legalizing marijuana
« on: May 17, 2006, 12:40:11 PM »
Quote from: Scytheist
My friend wants to say some thing in this thread so keep in mind that this is not me, well this part is.

ok now I have read every single thread here and to no offense but there is no valid point that u make that has not already made in the past I used to be the same as both u on both sides until I tried it and if u ask me if they legalize it less and less ppl will do it bc they r stupid but I say it should stay illegal y bc I get it for a cheap price and good shit to none the less if they legalized it I would miss the nights that I smoke on my back porch and no it would not be the same bc all my naighbors or how ever u spell that r old they will want to do it to greedy old ppl and plus they would taxe every MJ realated products so I vote no on leagalzation well I'm done

Scytheist.. is your friend masebot?

Help / i need help with a hack I downloaded
« on: May 17, 2006, 10:49:25 AM »
Quote from: mulletike
Yeah, I found it easy enough.  Now for the tricky part, Balthazar; it is a rar file, and I have no idea where to put it, you know what I mean?  Where do you put it?

Once you've downloaded the file, i.e. the hack, Use winrar to extract the file to your desktop or any other directory you see fit.

Here is a quick and dirty tutorial on winrar.

Balthy I hope you dont mind this...if you do Ill take it off.

Edit: LOL! Snyper.. that is hilarious. +Rep for you brother.

Help / i need help with a hack I downloaded
« on: May 17, 2006, 09:55:38 AM »
Quote from: mulletike
yeah, everytime I try to run supernova bf1942 says it encountered a problem and needs to close.

Try legion 3.0 for 1.6. Use the same instructions as stated above.

Help / i need help with a hack I downloaded
« on: May 17, 2006, 09:42:01 AM »
Quote from: mulletike
[FOHey, I have just downloaded a hack called supernova for version 1.6. At least that is what it says it is, I have never hacked or cheated before, and was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on how to run the fucking thing.
It was downloaded into a zipped file, and I was earlier told to just run it while you are playing, but that it takes awhile to get it unzipped.  

For some reason I am also having trouble with rar downloads, my com keeps wanting to download it to mozilla for some odd reason.  Anyways, I am feeling extraordinaril y stupid and out of my depth, and at the risk of sounding like a complete idiot I am asking for help.

PS be kind :)

Supernova looks to work like any other 1.6 hacks i've used. Open up the hack, run the game, tab out, turn on the hack.. should be a button on the hack to turn them all on, tab back in... pwn some newblets.

General / Legalizing marijuana
« on: May 17, 2006, 09:28:08 AM »
Quote from: mulletike
Balthazar I am anything BUT subtle, its just that I was always so one-dimensional about the subject.  I have had experiences with both marijuana and alcohol, and everytime I see a JUST SAY NO ad on tv villifying marijuana it makes me sick.  As though alcohol is so much better, we live in such a crazy world.  But there are multiple sides to the argument, and it would take quite awhile to get into.  Your idea about the topic has more to do with politics, whereas mine is more theory and personal experiences.  Politics is what runs this fucking nation, so you are really more right.  Still pisses me off to no end though.

Reminds me of the argument Larry Flynt’s lawyer used in the case against Jerry Falwell concerning defamation of character. He argued that if a minor picks up a copy of Hustler magazine do we take it off the shelves? Much like if a minor acquires alcohol do we stop selling it all together?

I can understand your view and defiantly agree that the world we live in is in a sad state of affairs.

Help / how do I join Ventrilo?
« on: May 17, 2006, 08:37:44 AM »
Quote from: mulletike
The title pretty much explains itself.  When I clicked on server stats, I clicked on Ventrilo live, and it said JOIN OUR SERVER.  When I clicked on it, Mozilla said that it couldn't do that.  Is there any other way to join?  Thats pretty much it:)

There was a sticky thread at the top of the forum where you posted this. You can find it here. Follow the instructions and you should be able to join us on ventrilo. Good luck.

General / Legalizing marijuana
« on: May 17, 2006, 08:34:19 AM »
Quote from: mulletike
Jesus christ, Balthazar, I never thought about it like that.  I was always concerned about theory about its effects compared to alcohol rather than taxes and government and shit like that.  Well, that certainly clears alot of things up, thanks:)

Either I’m not picking up the subtle nuances of your sarcasm or you are fairly easy to convince. Either way do not let me sway your view in either direction. I'm just stating my opinion, not trying to convince you that your view is "wrong" and mine is "right". You make some valid points yourself I just believe otherwise.

General / Legalizing marijuana
« on: May 17, 2006, 08:13:19 AM »
The legalization of marijuana has nothing to with the overall bodily effects in my book. It's all about the almighty dollar. Let's see if I can make any sense here.

I come from an area where Tobacco growth is in abundance and have family that grew it for years. It's a fairly tedious process. After the initial planting a farmer is going to tend to the Tobacco almost on a daily basis to get any kind of decent grade out of the crop. Then we have the harvest. Tobacco is unlike any other crop where you can just grab up your results in a hopper and ship it off to be manufactured into goods. Tobacco has to be aged in a cool dry area and shifted around every so often so it does not dry out completely. Then after the farmer has done all they can do to grow a quality crop it is sent off to an auction where the highest bidder is awarded the bundles.

Let's make a comparison to Marijuana growth shall we...

To my knowledge to grow Marijuana one only has to stick the seed in the ground or potting soil, water it, stick a light or the sun on it, separate certain parts of the plant when necessary, harvest when done. Then after all this one only has to either sell to dealer or sell it themselves.

Which scenario sounds easier eh?  That's right.. Marijuana.

Which one do you think the Government can Tax alot easier? Tobacco.

So why do I think Marijuana is truly not legalized? Because it is alot easier to Tax a crop that is difficult to grow rather than a crop that a walking void could conjure up out of a flower pot.. So therefore if the Government cannot place a Tax on a crop that everybody and their brother could grow in their basement then it is deemed illegal

Media / My Trip to DC
« on: May 17, 2006, 01:37:44 AM »
Dear lord.. looks like i'm going to have to move this into spam soon.

Media / My Trip to DC
« on: May 15, 2006, 03:21:05 PM »
Very nice, I went years ago and enjoyed it quite a bit. Did you get to go to the Smithsonian?

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