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Messages - *MAFIA* Scooby

Pages: 1 ... 185 186 [187] 188 189 ... 196
BF 2 / Chris????
« on: November 27, 2006, 09:23:10 PM »
Chris, when is your BF2 server going to be up? If it even is. Used to be fun back then.

« on: November 27, 2006, 08:19:59 PM »
If I were you right now with this problem, I would just reformat the PC. If you don't have anything SUPER important, just format. Save, move, or backup your important files and commence. Check device manager to see if everything is connected properly and up to date. For sound, are you sure you don't have two sound cards conflicting? How do you even lose the Windows XP theme? Man, that sucks. How old is your computer? Clean the inside of your PC, because there might be dust and stuff blocking. I know it won't really solve your problems, but just do it.

« on: November 21, 2006, 07:00:18 PM »
Quote from: BobbyKnight333
I need you people to unban me because you will lose sleep if you don't:):)

How would we lose sleep over this? is it because you will repeatedly keep posting if your ban was not lifted?

You even said you were being cocky to him, sooo...yea.

Do you get a lot of pride or think you're really cool when you kill a Mafian?
Cuz that's wat it seems like.

Quote from: BobbyKnight333
same to u buddy!!!

Join / Wanna join!
« on: November 17, 2006, 11:35:41 PM »
Quote from: masse killer(NL)

OMG, how could we tell? Learn some English then!!!!

Media / Balthazar Music Video
« on: November 15, 2006, 11:12:00 PM »

Balthazar Music Video -- Roots

I came across this on youtube. Yea.... dont ask me.

I'm guessing it has no ties with you balth.

Spam / Blocking
« on: November 14, 2006, 10:32:48 PM »
Alright, I did some browsing and came across Hosts files. I found out how to use this, and it works great. Better than all these software programs out there. Bonehead, to block downloads, should i just put in the URL of a site where they might try to download it from? Thanks everyone for your help. Much appreciated.   Found it here:


This forum:  http://www.velocityreviews.com/forums/t57188-how-do-i-block-websites-with-firefox.html

Spam / Blocking
« on: November 14, 2006, 09:32:47 PM »
Well I did create another account that is labeled as limited.  But I dont think that is going block everything I want. Is it?

Flame / Let the raceism begin! "Warning racial views"
« on: November 14, 2006, 09:31:10 PM »
u kinda just did!

Spam / Blocking
« on: November 14, 2006, 06:21:07 PM »
Ok so I want to block some sites and add restrictions in both firefox 2 and internet explorer 7. I need to block some sites for my siblings such as myspace, and restrict downloading of any software. How do I do this? Or is there any program which will let me do it for free? Thx. I really need it asap.

General / I WON!!! (Almost)
« on: November 13, 2006, 12:34:47 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Boemann (nl)
omg, ok your stupid roshan, and I'm not kidding.

Yes  Boe, i know. stupid band practice and stupid me. well i have learned from this. I hope there will be another chance like this in my lifetime.

Help / Mouse
« on: November 12, 2006, 03:44:06 PM »
So I was doing some more browsing. Which do u guys think is better, optical or laser?  Between the G5(laser) and MX518(optical).   G5 has less buttons but is laser, whereas MX feet kinda suck.  Ahh which one, which one.

General / I WON!!! (Almost)
« on: November 12, 2006, 11:24:51 AM »
So entered in a legit online Nvidia contest where you can win a Nvidia GeForece 8800 GTS. It was held at a nearby Fry's Electronics along with a Nvidia Reality tour. Anyways, so i entered and guess whose name they called out there. MINE!!! But I wasn't there because of stupid band practice, so I missed it cuz you have to be there to get it. Instead they gave it to some 10 year old kid who probably doesn't play games or has a system capable of running this card. Damit I'm SO MAD. I'm an idiot for going to practice. The card is worth somewhere around $600. Arghhhhh.



Spam / Who's down for some...
« on: November 09, 2006, 10:38:54 PM »
gonna ask everyone?

strange chunk?

General / Fast as hell
« on: November 08, 2006, 10:01:28 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* KrautKiller
Ah but i got alot of stuff motherboard, 2 videocards, 4 gigs of ram, 500 dollar tower, 200 dollar fan, and some other stuff :D

You wanna tell us what the specs are? which video cards?  and a $200 fan, never seen that.

Graphics / Pictures for Misfit
« on: November 08, 2006, 09:57:24 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* ChrisDaKilla
i didnt know they had defguns in hawaii

Did you read this?

Quote from: *MAFIA* [StimPH
normandy in france, omaha beach

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