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Messages - *MAFIA* MisfiT

Pages: 1 ... 18 19 [20] 21 22 ... 40
Media / Re: Vickie's Collection
« on: November 09, 2009, 11:24:50 PM »

God's gift to me on the last day as I was finishing my 5 mile walk around the beach

Poor 5 miles of beach.....that will never be the same.

Media / Re: New pixxxxxx
« on: November 09, 2009, 11:16:00 PM »
lulz x2

I think your more of a size x30 than a x2..just sayin....

Media / Re: New pixxxxxx
« on: November 09, 2009, 04:45:40 PM »
Your office is in the pump room?

Actually,  I opened that door and your mom was bent over a chair in there....weird .

@ Hell, NO.

ANd @ Man-o-War, thats my sister if you want her number...

Media / Re: New pixxxxxx
« on: November 09, 2009, 03:43:32 PM »
someone needs to tell her to run away as fast as she can. b/c you are full of shit.

She's as good at con's as I am.  She played a flawless role along WITH me to get us into places to shoot. She know's who I am. 

Media / New pixxxxxx
« on: November 09, 2009, 02:33:50 PM »

General / LMAO...BURNED!!!!!!
« on: October 29, 2009, 02:51:01 PM »
Hey Jeremy, MY BAD. I didn't mean to cause a huge cyber cluster fuck with you today. I wasn't aware I had grouped people together in such a way that it would send you notification. I AM BIGTIME SORRY. I hope that grouchy bitch friend of mine from Houston didn't piss you off too much

She was crazy when I met her and she obviously has NOT changed

lol, naa just havin fun with it.

I am soooo embarred by this chick I'm definately going to block her now. This is twice she has just randomly attcked people she doesn't know through my facebook page and I'm sick of it

np man, Check out my web sites!

misfitproducti ons.com
mylazysundays. com

how you been! Check out my new web sites

misfitproducti ons.com

mylazysundays. com

just the seconed one

I can't fix this now, that was a fucked up trick. What the hell do I need to do to stop this?

Jeremy, WTF?

you idn't click it did ya?1




just stop the proccess

so how can I get my browser to stop bouncing. I have reboted twice already

You dont need to Re-boot!

umm... a little help for someone who doesn't know C++

Just hit Ctrl + ALT + delete, then stop the app

OK, I know how to do that but which App? I have about 50 running

what is the App name?


not prosseces, apps


Not on the list man, this is fucked Dude this is the most fucked up shit I have ever seen

It IS on the list. I just ran it on mine and it's there.

Just look under what apps are running

5:36pmMacy is offline.

General / Re: Wasser!
« on: October 28, 2009, 02:30:31 PM »
Wow, Man-o-war went all out this year!  Thats some high class Liquor there... :-*

News / Re: Forum Murder
« on: October 28, 2009, 10:18:51 AM »
First link doesn't work.

In other words,  FAIL!

General / Re: Wasser!
« on: October 28, 2009, 10:17:30 AM »
Have a great day Wass!   I love you.

Media / Re: What does your pet look like?
« on: October 27, 2009, 06:03:00 PM »
Wtf is wrong with his/her eyes? :confused:

Your eye's would do that to if your owner fucked you like Kraut does.

General / You better watch out!
« on: October 27, 2009, 01:13:48 PM »
 Cuz Ricardo has a master plan:

dillpickle: yo
dillpickle: sup?

Misfit: hey man!

dillpickle: sup

Misfit: you never added me back on face book!

dillpickle: why

Misfit: im sad :(

dillpickle: lol
dillpickle: u hate me
dillpickle: why I should add u

Misfit: I really dont. I actually like you
Misfit: You stick around thru all the bad talk.  that means you're strong
Misfit: I like it

dillpickle: lol

Misfit: Keep it up brother

dillpickle: u know
dillpickle: I know why u want my facebook

Misfit: wy?

dillpickle: for take my pics and make sigs
dillpickle: to send to hell

Misfit: Im not roshan
Misfit: OR hell

dillpickle: But if someone do it again
dillpickle: I'll call the cops
dillpickle: on them

Misfit: lol

dillpickle: I've a friend who work in usa like policeman

Misfit: what will the cops do?

dillpickle: he can help me
dillpickle: They will see

Misfit: nothing

dillpickle: idk say in english but

Misfit: all they will see is you on a frog head or wheatever those dumb guys do

dillpickle: go to see a justice
dillpickle: for take my pic without allowed of me
dillpickle: u will see
dillpickle: I'll be richest man
dillpickle: ahahahaha

Misfit: if you post your picture online,  it is fair game for anyone.

dillpickle: I didn't post it
dillpickle: someone stole it on foxes
dillpickle: I didn't post it on mafia
dillpickle: somme diff
dillpickle: Now
dillpickle: Hell is in the shit
dillpickle: I'm too kind for wait

Misfit: why?

dillpickle: cops

Misfit: call the cops on him
Misfit: make him pay

dillpickle: I'll
dillpickle: do u like hell?

Misfit: he's an asshole to me
Misfit: so I really dont talk to him

dillpickle: ok

Misfit: ine, dont be my friend on facebook

dillpickle: Just explain me why u want my facebook?

Misfit: cuz you are my friend.

dillpickle: hmmh
dillpickle: ok if u pic some pics

Misfit: I just gotta act mean,  thats who I am...you know that

dillpickle: you will hear the police near to your hoise
dillpickle: house
dillpickle: :]

Misfit: |:]

dillpickle: I'm serious

Misfit: about?

dillpickle: all
dillpickle: I don't trust nobody anymore
dillpickle: that why

Misfit: me either

Media / Re: What does your pet look like?
« on: October 27, 2009, 10:24:54 AM »


Thats not your pet!  You just snapped a picture of Mean Green and posted it!

Media / Re: What does your pet look like?
« on: October 27, 2009, 09:49:27 AM »
MAX...and I

Games / Re: Download and Play!
« on: October 25, 2009, 10:03:41 AM »
Thats the game Einstein.

Spam / Re: Where the hell are...
« on: October 24, 2009, 10:52:26 PM »

(to all of the above)

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