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Flame / Re: patty cakes
« on: September 09, 2014, 12:17:24 AM »
He also sucks the cock too, He's the founding father of dez nuts!  :lolz:

Flame / Re: Banned from Gunmaster server
« on: September 06, 2014, 06:05:18 AM »
Milky isn't the one who has banned multiple people from the server. Even if their ban is lifted, chances are they are not coming back to play with ban-happy idiots like you.

I was in the server and observed your playing style. You try to play "legit" in gunmaster for the first half of the round, and then you turn on your aimbot to win and quickly end the round. And yet you ban others for supposedly cheating if they kill you a couple times.
I'm glad you observed Me Scooby nuts, you made Me feel good since you saw Me play legit in the beginning of the round BUT... I'll be happy too inform you that I Played totally without hacks for the duration of that round, I don't own a AIMBOT or any other HACKS and Beatle can justify that... Sorry too have owned your ass in that round and you feel the way you do to say the bullshit you do... Now go suck milky's pussy as he sucks yours you guys seem to be as one with each other... Have a pleasant day BITCHES!!! Remember I own your ASS and you cried Me a river, I won't forget!!! =)   :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby:  :danceroll: :danceroll: :danceroll: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot::lolz: :lolz: :lolz:

Flame / Re: Banned from Gunmaster server
« on: September 05, 2014, 09:03:57 AM »
Ignore him. He's an alcoholic who is getting remove from this clan soon. Sorry about your ban.
Little does "milkyway bitchboy" know but he is the one getting removed from the clan shortly due too his crybaby DRAMA INFESTED POSTS!!! Hahahahha PS: JackAss's like him are little Girls without a dick to play with!!!

Flame / Re: Banned from Gunmaster server
« on: September 05, 2014, 09:01:03 AM »
It wasn't my server, just one I played on a lot.
Under that circumstance I will lift your ban and give you another go at it, Just try and take it easy on our noobs in OUR server, take note' I'm never like this too unban a player EVER!!! So watch out if your too far ahead of other players in second place with 3-4-5-6 Kill's and your like in your 20th kill, It tends to make players leave... And We wouldn't like that, We like a full server to come too when We play.... Sorry but the TRUTH!!! Just take it easy on the NOOBS for US being as good as you are.... Happy Hunting, your BAN has been lifted.... =) :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot:

Flame / Re: Banned from Gunmaster server
« on: September 04, 2014, 08:28:18 PM »
I'm a long time gunmaster player, 274 gunmaster ribbons, my old server went down a few months ago (Texas Roadkill) so I've been going between the few US servers left. One of them is yours, this is the second time I've been banned. I wasn't even that far ahead this time. Your server is well run and populated, I just don't understand the random bans.

I attached a screenshot of players in the server at the time.
It must SUCK getting banned.... I should know caz I got randomly got banned from your server about two years ago, Welcome too the club nub, NOW you can go play over sea's like I did for awhile and enjoy their LAGGY ass servers!!! AH Hahahaha LMFAO PS: Thanks for the Laugh Worrom (Texas RoadKill)   :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :danceroll: :danceroll: :danceroll: :danceroll: :danceroll: :bash2: :bash: :whip: :whip: :whip: :spank: :spank: :spank: :woot: :woot: :woot: :ahfu :ahfu :ahfu :ahfu :ahfu :ahfu :ahfu :ahfu :ahfu :ahfu :ahfu :ahfu

Flame / Re: Ban-hammered?
« on: September 04, 2014, 02:22:45 PM »
I find it rather ironic that Mafia as a clan went through all the 1942 servers with their own hack and now ban those who do the same in BF3.
My apologies for thinking logically and not selfishly.

I totally agree, Soon I will be getting My own Hack and fucking up all the other servers with great passion, The same passion that I found in BF 1942 for many many years... =) PS: For now the majority of Us do not hack in our server so We are keeping it clean, I'm sure once I goto their servers I will be banned just like the rest!!!  :lolz:

Flame / Re: Ban-hammered?
« on: September 04, 2014, 03:22:39 AM »
Hey Synergy, you were banned by Proheli. His admin is in the process of being taken away because he's too immature to handle it.

Please look at the forum section you posted to see all the complaints about him. You are not the first that he has banned.
Synergy.... this is not true, Scooby and Milky are the only ones with Admin powers in the clan, They will bullshit you too death in the forums cause that's what they do best, Milky is the only one that can't play cause his mommy can't afford a mouse, joystick, video card, or the game for him too play on, but has Admin powers and can see who's playing, I bet it was him who banned you for his source of fun nowadays besides playing with his little dick... I'll see what I can do for you too over ride these baboons... Sincerely PROHELI  :spank: :spank: :spank:  :danceroll: :danceroll: :danceroll:

Flame / Re: Ban-hammered?
« on: September 03, 2014, 05:06:47 PM »
Good evening,

I've been playing on your excellent server the last couple weeks. I really only play Gunmaster and Mafia's server is the only Gunmaster-only server out there, so your server is my savior. I was banned this afternoon with no reason stated and was wondering if I could have the ban lifted. I went on Ventrilo to ask about it but was promptly booted from Ventrilo as well. I play legit and would like to continue playing on your server if possible. Thank you for your time. :couch:

That's been happening a lot lately here, Ask milkyway, or scooby, hellraiser, manowar, too lift your ban they have total Admin Powers here and other members are jealous of them... Sorry about your Luck if they don't unban you, but... you might want to goto other servers being as good as you are so you can flush the noobs out into our server for us from those servers... Thx Sincerely, PROHELI =)    :shoot: :shoot: :shoot:

BF 3 / Re: gunmaster bans
« on: September 01, 2014, 09:15:10 PM »
Pat is a drunk idiot and no in this clan likes him. Sadly he's a 60 year old loser who bans anyone who can kill him. Do yourself and find another server. Sorry buddy.
hEY mILKY sUCKA dICK!!! ps: aND LIKE IT!!! =)

BF 3 / Re: gunmaster bans
« on: September 01, 2014, 02:37:07 PM »
how did you work out that my k/d ratio is negative from that info? http://www.team-des-fra.fr/CoM/bf3.php?p=runky1000 1.8% chance of being a cheater.. oh and your server... its never full.. iv seen you ghosting it for hours trying to get players in.. I have even seeded your server before... many times!! your just a looser proheli.. a sad pathetic little grunt of a man who clearly can't play bf3 to save his life!!
We will see who needs seeding, Sorry you are crying but nobody hears you, you can suck my cock bitch... Fine another server and be full of bliss there... maybe one of those over sea's servers will fit your Hacks with your ping and give others a chance to play, Nobody likes a 3-5 min game........ SEEYA BITCH!!!  :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot:

BF 3 / Re: gunmaster bans
« on: September 01, 2014, 10:09:01 AM »
I swear proheli is the biggest idiot in admin gaming history

I have just been banned AGAIN for no reason what so ever!! and I wanted to become a part of the mafia team too but you lot can keep it... I only play gunmaster and i'm fucking awesome at it too... YES PROHELI IM BETTER THAN YOU.. hell im better than any of the mafia team!!

I liked your server.... your fucking loss I guess!!

proheli I don't know how old you are but you are in need of some major growing up.. child admins kick and ban when they get beaten.. your also a arsehole!!
iT'S FUNNY how last time I looked up your name and you have a KDR that was "negative" when you have a 29 killing spree and 3 deaths in server, SORRY BUT Battlefield 3 has ton's of HACKERS and you can go screw someone else's server up and CRY there....... YOUR LOSS when OUR server is packed FULL of players!!! SeeYa Bitch!!!  http://bf3stats.com/stats_pc/runky1000   :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :danceroll: :danceroll: :danceroll:

Flame / Re: Just got banned from Gunmaster server for hacks?
« on: September 01, 2014, 04:00:49 AM »
And Milky is a poor spammer that doesn't even have a joystick to play with you, even if he wanted too...

Flame / Re: Just got banned from Gunmaster server for hacks?
« on: August 31, 2014, 07:45:30 PM »
Badmin (Proheli) strikes again: http://prntscr.com/4iid4u
Im going to tell everyone I know and my streaming friends to not play your servers due to this douchebag kicking everyone who gets 4 kills above him in bf3 gun-game.
I've seen multiple players complaining about proheli and nothing has happened. Im not sure how you guys are still up, who in their right mind would donate to you. This dick kicks anyone who is better than him or who is in danger of winning the match while he is on. Well I tried giving it a second chance but still the same stuff (look at screenshot I was on JNG-90 and he was on SPAS-12 and I was kicked).

GG not-so-proheli

Anyways cya
Didn't We ban your cry bitch ass before?, Musta been a good reason that We banned you twice now, I surely hope you don't get your ass greased for a third, We are up and running because We get rid of scum like you so We have plenty of players to continue to fill Our server up..... In other words I ban to keep server alive I get rid of 1 too save 100's that come too our server, Players enjoy a LONGER game vrs a five minute match and it's over.... Two Words FUCK OFF or SEE YA!!!   :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot: :shoot:

Flame / Re: patty cakes
« on: August 31, 2014, 10:15:34 AM »
Hey Scooby.... SHUT THE FRont door!!!

Flame / Re: patty cakes
« on: August 31, 2014, 08:17:31 AM »

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