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Messages - Ransom

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Flame / Re: Message for Blackout
« on: September 29, 2008, 01:02:40 PM »
Maiby i have 10 members but i'm better than 10 members of your clan.

And 10 members of my clan is better then your clan..........

We need to conduct a little experiment with this one....

Flame / Re: Message for Blackout
« on: September 29, 2008, 12:35:33 PM »
Wait a minute....  Isnt this thread called a message for Blackout.

Last time I checked the best method to sending a message was in a PM and not creating a thread directed towards one person.  I guess Le stroumphe just wanted us all to make fun of his language skills.

Games / Re: Orange box
« on: September 25, 2008, 11:15:08 AM »
I have TF2 for the PC and have played it on a xbox as well.  I personally think the pc one is better because they have updated items and maps.

« on: September 20, 2008, 05:33:17 AM »
Is this one of tities kids cause I guess he loves to talk in caps.  Tities, I think we need to talk....

News / Re: Election 2008
« on: September 18, 2008, 07:12:39 PM »
All the stuff I wrote previously was not stuff I made up. I found that on a website which listed the pro's and con's of it. So if you think I'm making it up and you're proving me wrong, not true. There are pro's and con's to everything; I was just telling you some of the cons since you mentioned some of the pros.

Also found two articles on CNN about Palin's recent "activity." Discuss.



Well if you want the media to decide everything for you then I have a "fact" for you to discuss.  Why is it that they media has so much bias that they could be pushing to elect Obama.  They even conducted a poll and 5 to 1 said that the media has a bias towards Obama.

Try reading for yourself about Economics and what exactly politics and government policies are about. < This is where my reasoning comes from.  You may have not been the one that created what you are "proving" but you sure are supporting them by bringing them to your defense.

News / Re: Election 2008
« on: September 18, 2008, 10:13:35 AM »
You do realize that there are cons to it as well right? I got the exact details from a site...you might want to see. Click Here.
There are good things AND bad things to his plans. Maybe you should look at both sides of something before jumping to conclusions.

According to the Statistical Abstract of the United States for 1996, the number of people (white, black, and Hispanic) below the poverty level increased in almost every year between 1981 (31.8 million) and 1992 (39.3 million).

The trade deficit quadrupled.

The savings rate did not rise in the 1980s, as supply-side advocates had predicted. In fact, in the 1980s the personal savings rate fell from 8 percent to 6.5 percent. If the median family was better off why did their savings go down?

In 1993 Clinton raised the taxes on the rich, the opposite of  Reaganomics, opponents argued that this would stop the growing economy. That did not happen.

All this can be solved by simply learning for yourself what exactly economics is.  If you would truely care about the welfare of this country you would be able to see past these "facts".  If you only read what the news and other media tell you instead of creating your own basis you will plunge into the hole the media creates.  Im not here to defend other Republicans or Democrats or any other president in the past history.  Once again you are using things way out of context.  Instead of basing things on the candidates right now, you took how old compared to one of the best out of context and "waged war on the candidate i support."  Your facts may be true but my personal logic will not change.

Back to the ELECTION OF 2008! Go!

News / Re: Election 2008
« on: September 18, 2008, 04:42:09 AM »
that old goat Reagan didn't know what he was doing half the time because of his Alzheimers disease. He was just a wanna-be john wayne, and his retarded trickle down theory never did work. Tax cuts for the rich will help the poor who don't get any tax breaks? Ya, great theory reagan, it's no wonder half his decisions didn't make any sense, his dementia was setting in. 

You obviously need to take another U.S. history class.  Ever heard of anything called "Reaganomics" and what it did for the economy.  How about "detente" or the ending of the Cold War?  If nothing seemed to work in his presidency... then why did RGDP continue to rise?  He only created 16 million new jobs while allowing inflation to drop.  As far as Alzheimers disease has anything to do with his policies, it doesnt matter.

News / Re: Election 2008
« on: September 17, 2008, 02:49:42 PM »
i dont know if someone said this already or not (i got into this thread way to late) but i agree with you702, but McCain will croak before his first term. he's way to old, like 72 or something close to that.

Technically McCain would be only about 2 years older than when one of the best Republicans or Presidents was elected.  That being Ronald Reagan who was less than a month way from being 70 when he was elected.  I guess those 2 years made the difference.

Join / Re: To ALL MAFIA and the like.....
« on: September 16, 2008, 04:10:19 PM »
Heyo again.

So do I get to make a topic every time I come back from a little break?

Join / Re: To ALL MAFIA and the like.....
« on: September 16, 2008, 03:24:04 PM »
Hello you noobie TEXICAN!  Nice to see you stopping by.

News / Re: Election 2008
« on: September 16, 2008, 01:28:43 PM »
Anyone who votes for Obama must first understand the basics of Economics.  Refer to the post above this one.

Oblivious to the facts.  Obama wants to redistribute the wealth in the country which has also been tried by many other presidents and has always failed.  Taking money away from the wealthy is going to result in less jobs overall.  McCain actually has a really good electricity and power policy.  I believe that nuclear power is an amazing way to go.  Did you know that 95% of France's power comes from nuclear power?  Obama on the other hand wants to invest lots of money into renewable energy, which coming from a pocket-pinching economy isnt the right way to go.
It seems that you believe that simple Socialist problems will have a huge effect on worldly economic issues.  Taxing the oil companies over seas is just going to make them raise the taxes and stir up different ways of making those profits back.  Yes both candidates both believe that we are very dependent on foreign oil, but why not create or own ways of finding our own oil.

So saying that people dont like Obama because of his Muslim name is the same as calling McCain old.  Yes McCain is going to be 72 on election day, but that would only be the oldest by a mere 3 years over any other president.  Both serve the same purpose of being completely irrelevant....

The war effort is a case that really only has on tie to both canidates.  McCain is only promissing that he will not let the terrorists win the war.  He sees that Americans along with other countries of the world have spent alot of resources and knows that it is for the better.  Moving the war to another part of a country is not going to help spending or resolution any better than it is right now.

I stand by my word, FEMA was not at fault when Katrina hit.  Learn the facts of what actually needs to happen for FEMA to step in and help.  Then read up on what happened around the time before and after Katrina hit.  Then you will find the answer to why you are wrong.

News / Re: Election 2008
« on: September 16, 2008, 09:19:20 AM »
McCain is PROMISING change.  Obama on the other hand doesnt have any key factors in any economic policies at all.  If Obama is elected, enjoy your tax incentives while the nation crashes below your feet.  Taxing the wealthy, the people who hold this country together, will only come back and bite you right in the ass.  I personally believe that Palin is a great choice for a VP.  Have you ever listened to one of her speeches or are you just basing your assumptions on what the media tells you.  Dont worry, the media will always steer you on the right path.

How dare you accuse me of being a racist or having some disgust in whatever religion he is.  I personally have no problem with diversity, but it seems that you must since you have brought it up.  I didnt say anything about religion at all, so to answer your question about what religion has to do with this, my answer is NOTHING.

Saying bad things about what decisions were made 8 years ago with the war has nothing to do with now.  Are you percisting that we should just bail out with the war right now?  If so you are idiotic.

So to politics:  McCain promises economic goals whereas Obama doesnt have any clue about economics, but seems to only have a sight into socialist policies.

P.S. If you still believe that FEMA is terrible, like Obama, you are also wrong.

Media / Re: And post your thoughts...
« on: September 16, 2008, 08:19:14 AM »
1)Americas freedom wasn't being threatened by Iraq it was Afganistan.
2)Saying the Iraqi war was a mistake isn't disrespecting the sacrifices people have made, its   saying those people shouldn't have had to make those sacrifices in the first place and valueing the lives of its citizens.

I think it was a mistake to invade Iraq but now the countrys infrastructure is so damaged and strife with terrorism it would be a mistake to now leave the people there defenceless. What a mess the whole situation is now. If US forces leave the terrorists will just run a mock but If they don't leave the terrorists will just continue to come from Pakistan and all over just to fight the US and the security forces trained by the US.

These statements are all made in hindsight.  It was not a small decision to go through with the war, so if these facts were true they obviously made many mistakes.  "Saying the Iraqi war was a mistake isnt disrespecting the sacrifices people have made", True, but they gladly stepped up to the plate to defend their country's freedom, and for that they capture true value of being a citizen.

Media / Re: Barack-Rolled
« on: September 16, 2008, 07:08:50 AM »
Oh course that did not happen, although it was a funny edit.  The only thing funnier than that is actually voting for Obama.

Flame / Re: Look you bastards
« on: September 07, 2008, 07:48:15 AM »
oh it has been so long. I miss this "hack".

Thats why this thread was almost 4 years old. LOL.  I so badly want this hack!

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