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Messages - Ransom

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General / Google Chrome
« on: September 02, 2008, 09:12:34 PM »
Has anyone tried it yet?

I have it now and it seems to be working great.  It doesn't have many extras but it loads  pages alot faster.

« on: September 02, 2008, 01:02:08 PM »
I guess he should be let back in.... 

YES from me.

Spam / Re: A year ago
« on: August 31, 2008, 05:57:04 PM »
A shame what it has turned out to.  :'( :'( :'( :'( I miss the old *MAFIA* days with the *lawsuit* by [DOA] fucking great.  ;D ;D ;D ;D After a good early day of FUN, head out and own in Bf2 or counterstrike with the crew till 4 AM.

Just check out [DOA]'s site www.dawnofatheria.com to see how they ended up.  Its weird to think that its been a long time since I ended up in here.  I definitly remember staying up almost all night playing 1942 or BF2 with MAFIANS.  Time sure does fly.

General / Re: OUTLAW
« on: August 31, 2008, 01:43:10 PM »
Happy birthday to Jesse James from the other side of Wisconsin.  8)

Flame / Re: STAY ON YOUR FORUM !!!!!
« on: August 19, 2008, 11:52:49 AM »

and anyway whats wrong with pr0n ?

The answer to this question is that they are all under 15 years old.  ;)

General / Re: Sunday evening
« on: August 17, 2008, 03:48:09 PM »
Yep Yep, it was good to see Rat on vent today.  Hopefully it will happen again.

General / Re: @laaz
« on: July 23, 2008, 06:26:22 PM »
Another WOW meeting?!

I think you should get out of that wateful crap of a game.

General / new laptop
« on: July 23, 2008, 12:00:47 PM »
I just got my new laptop not to long ago.  Its a dell with pretty killer hardware.  The only thing that I dont like about it was the refresh rate that it stuck me at but I will just probably purchase an extra screen for duel monitors.  Ive played bf2 on mine and it loads maps very fast.

With the price tag of about $2000 here are the specs.

Intel Core Duo CPU 2.5GHz 6mb cache
Windows Vista  :-\
4.00 GB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT 256mb
Built in Webcam  :o

Help / Help with refresh rate please
« on: July 12, 2008, 04:42:17 PM »
Hey everyone, I am in need of a little help.  I have just recieved my new laptop for college and seem to be getting constant refresh rates of 59 on every resolution.  Ive installed the latest driver for my graphics card and it still doesnt change the rate.  Ive also tried creating a new custom resolution with refresh rates of 60 through the Nvidia Control Panel but they all seem to fail.  Anyone got anything to help.

Listed specs of my laptop:

Windows Vista Home Premium  :(
Intel Core Duo CPU T9300 @ 2.5GHz
4.00 GB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT

Anything else needed just post and I will find it for you.

Please anyone help with this refresh rate problem.  Since the BF series only works with a rate of 60htz or higher I wont be able to play untill this is fixed.


Games / Re: Warrock
« on: July 09, 2008, 01:31:31 PM »
I played that game for a little while.  It got boring after a bit though, but it was a good game for being free.  It has two basic modes that you can play under.  The first is like counter strike where you can detonate the bomb with only one spawn each.  Another is a conquest type game where you can spawn as much as your team points.

General / Re: YO!!!!
« on: July 01, 2008, 11:37:08 AM »
LOLZ, I still remember those crumpet days.  I forgot what his first name was in DOA though.  I remember the clan war vs TT.  Hmmm what else...

News / Re: Election 2008
« on: June 25, 2008, 11:55:12 AM »
I agree with him, the bible is for the most part completely insane, I like this Obama guy even more.  Its good to know Obama doesn't quite live in cloud cuckoo land like Bush.

Where did you get that from??  The quote doesnt even mean anything close to what you are referencing.  It strickly means that words spoken in the bible from long ago dont directly force meaning into the world today.  That is why this Obama guy feels the need to "translate" it into his own interpretation out to the people.  If you would read the rest of the article it would tell you this.  Never once did Obama say that the bible was completly insane... and will never since he himself is Christian.  For referencing Bush into this... Bush doesnt lead by words of the bible, not at all.

Go McCain!!

News / Re: Election 2008
« on: June 21, 2008, 07:58:04 AM »

From all of the speeches and videos I have seen, McCain contradicts much of his information every time he speaks. Basically he is a "flip-flopper," which you may remember Kerry was too.  Would you really want us to stay in Iraq for a 100 years, as proposed by McCain?

I think Obama as President and Clinton as VP would really strengthen the Democratic party. Clinton would be able to help Obama in certain things like healthcare that he may not be strong in, and vice-versa.  In my opinion, we have gone too long under a Republican leadership and it has not really done any good for us.

As far as Ive seen Obama has "flip-flopped" on many other things too.  As for McCain's policy to stay in Iraq for 100 years... is totaly untrue and made up by yourself.  McCain has proposed to bring the troops back home in a slower pace so the Iraqi government will be able to handle the terrorist groups.  I believe I have already mentioned that in an earlier post.

As for Hilary being selected as VP would allow Obama to gain her voters support.  Clinton would be able to actually act upon the things that Obama is pledging for.  The Rebublican leadership hasnt gone on for an extended amount of time, unless you see 8 years under one president a long time.

Join / Re: join ( my name will change )
« on: June 19, 2008, 11:25:03 AM »
Nice to see you are trying to join again SoBe.  I came here when I was about 16, but I dont think 14 is old enough yet.  Some of the grammer and overall language use is quite child-like.  Im not trying to strike him down or anything, but we will see if he stays on vent a while and maybe get to better know him.

Graphics / Re: Ricardo
« on: June 09, 2008, 12:05:20 PM »
Sorry to go off topic but look at Ricardo's sig compared to my old one.  LAWLS!

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