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Messages - [DOA] Programmer_One

Pages: 1 ... 4 5 [6] 7 8 ... 12
General / Whos ready for halloween
« on: November 02, 2005, 12:01:02 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Toblerone
here check this out Programmer...w hat is this camera?

I took this with my digital camera...so what is it?

Extended File Attributes. Most digital cameras fill out the fields of every picture you take - incuding the make and type of the camera.

General / Whos ready for halloween
« on: November 01, 2005, 10:14:07 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* ICEMAN
yah, you can see the HP symbol.  And remember... it's a mirror... so it's flipped around.  If you can't read backwards... just go to paint or something and flip it...

But can you see the model number? Mmmm? ;)

General / Whos ready for halloween
« on: November 01, 2005, 09:47:37 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* ICEMAN
lol, your fucking stupid dude... look at his chest... in the picture... he's HOLDING THE CAMERA

That's not the way I figured out what type of camera is. (Btw, you can't even see the fucking make of that camera much less the model number, so wtf you talking about).

Quote from: *MAFIA* Cncrcman
wtf, lady? Are you calling me a lady because of my camera? Or did you mean laddie?

Sorry, I meant Lada

General / Something for everyone!!
« on: November 01, 2005, 03:39:23 PM »
Quote from: (TD)Dominator
Everyone go to t-d.cjb.net!! There is a great forum there!  Its cool!!  Go there!
Click http://www.t-d.cjb.net to go to it now!
Click http://www.forumup.com/?mforum=tdclan to go to forum, just go to site and click forum  or click the link above to go to forum!

Jesus Christ man, just give up now. Seriously.

General / Whos ready for halloween
« on: November 01, 2005, 03:36:56 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Cncrcman
Thanks for pointing that out?

All in a day's work, laddy.

General / Whos ready for halloween
« on: November 01, 2005, 01:06:11 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Cncrcman
Fuck yes im ready!

HP Photosmart 315

Shitty camera.

BF 1942 / DOA's website
« on: October 18, 2005, 03:22:24 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Darth
hahahaha nice one phantom wow you really do look like a fag hahaha thats funny lol

How did they ever let you into MAFIA? I bet you had to rim some asses around here, huh kid. I mean, you type just like Crump3t...reta rdedly.

BF 1942 / DOA's website
« on: October 18, 2005, 03:05:39 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Zeppelin
queer... lol nice ending lol i thought only queers called each other queers

Well, I thought it was a nice way to end my post. And no, strait people call queers queer - homosexuals call each other life partners.

Quote from: *MAFIA* Phantom
LOL!!!!! Holy shit this is too much!

What? So what if I'm not dressed up in army fatigues and holding a shotgun like how you probably are in your pictures. And come on, lets see your picture now - I want the chance to point out how unevolved you look.


And programmer you should know better, you can't lose your virginity by inserting your penis into a cd-rom drive, just doesn't work.

Oh I do know better. You see, I lost my virginity by inserting my penis into a vagina. Do I need to show you some highschool-level educational diagrams?

And may I remind you that YOU can't lose your virginity by sticking your penis into the ass of a fat sweaty black man.

BF 1942 / DOA's website
« on: October 18, 2005, 02:34:54 PM »
Quote from: Loaded
None of it is any good when he still looks like this...

Yeah...that's me...6 years ago. However, thanks for reminding me to update that picture.

If you refresh this thread, you should now see how I look now. (More or less...that picture is kind of old too).


LOL I am sure he gets ALL kinds of money from there.

Nope. I get most of my money from here

(I am working on the website so you won't see much).


P-1... Go ahead and give me what you got, I don't post much anymore, BUT I really do miss this kind of thread.

Ok you're a dickface. I'm actually too busy to insult you properly at this moment, so check back later.

Quote from: *MAFIA* Phantom
thatls programmer? HAHAHAHHAHAHAH AHHAHAHAHAHA wat a virgin! GEEK ALERT! lol!!! PawPaw you just made my day. :)

Old picture...and so what? I was still a virgin at 14. Whoop-dee fucking doo. I'm 20 now so I had plenty of time to lose it, which I did.

You're so up in arms about virginity, I bet you haven't even lost yours yet. Only virgins have to make jokes about other people's virginity to make themselves feel better.


BF 1942 / DOA's website
« on: October 17, 2005, 11:50:11 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Phantom
Wow programmer is just fucking retarded now.  The code you gave us is the exact code we knew about a LONG time ago. It does NOT work for bf1942 you dumb nigger. We thought the code you were going to give us was something new but when you posted it, it was the same old shit.

Then why the fuck can I get teleportation in BF1942 to work and you can't you dumb niggershit? Hell, I first tested the teleportation code in vanilla 1942 WAY before I used it in our DC maps. You're obviously doing something wrong you dumbfuck.

Yes you are a geek and obviously you don't make any money since you come to us with noobish questions like "Where can I get a server that only costs 2 dollars a year because I'm a cheap crack whore and I love to jerk my parents off."

I am not going to argue with you about how much money I have. I'm not a stupid dumbshit like you that would take it up the ass like a gay black man and pay for other people's entertainment - people who you only know on the Internet. I have better fucking things to do with my money that rent a fucking server for a bunch of dumb niggerfarts that randomly connect to our server.

This is why I want the cheapest fucking server I can find. I don't want to have to pay a whole lot of money for a fucking expensive server if the amount of money we get through donations isn't enough.

You simply don't understand the fucking concept of money if you're saying that I should pay for my own fucking server. The reason I HAVE money is because I'm not a dumb assfucker like yourself that likes to throw money out the window to entertain other dumbfucks.

Tell me something programmer, have you seen the 40 Year Old Virgin?

Yes I've seen it - I bet you were the inspiration for that movie.

You should take a few notes from that movie cuz I bet your hands are starting to build calluses.

Unlike you, I actually have a real girlfriend to play with, unlike the blow-up rubber one you hide under your bed.

Jew lover.

Fag lover.

BF 1942 / DOA's website
« on: October 17, 2005, 07:20:10 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Killer Bee
now i just wish i would see you in real life programmer, so i could nigger stomp you lmfao, and by the way y dont you give me your adress so i can get rich to. THEN ALL BY ALL THE BUD IN THE WORLD.

But how could you possibly niggerstomp me with two broken legs?

BF 1942 / DOA's website
« on: October 17, 2005, 01:30:22 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* ßlåkjáx
ok if this is true than why cant u send in money for ur own clan? just a thought...

Because I only spend money on things that produce some sort of return for me and me alone. I am not going to spend my money on things that other people derive entertainment from. What's in it for me?

If people in our clan enjoy playing as a DOA member, they can donate the amount of money they feel is worth the price of the entertainment they derived from it.

BF 1942 / DOA's website
« on: October 17, 2005, 10:35:38 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* ThaSnyper
Im Snyper. I am 104. I live on Venus, I have 4 arms and 6 legs. I make 34 million googabucks a year. I drive a Ford Mustangstardes troyer. My wife has 8 boobs. I went to the Best Blue Storm University of Venus. I have a lot of gas. My planet would squash you. Back when I was 26 I won gold the Venolympics in the 100, 200, and 300 kilomile. I invented stadium lighting that doesnt take 30 hounutes to light up. I come from the great line of Snypers. There was Abraham Linsnyper, Thomas Edisnyper, Billy Balwisnyper, Gingis Khasnyper, Napolean Bosnyper, Bill Cosbsnyper, Micheal Jordasnyper, Leonardo DaSnyper, Chuck Norrisnyper , William Shakesnyper, Christopher Columbusnyper, Ludwig Van Beethovesnyper, Mahatma Gandhsnyper, and who could ever forget the mighty Achillesnyper. ...

Yeah but you don't shoot lasers out of your eyes which makes you only 1/36th the person I am. Sucka.

BF 1942 / DOA's website
« on: October 17, 2005, 12:14:16 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Killer Bee
Dam programmer your real fuckin kool, I wish i could be a geek like you. ROFL suck a dick fag.

I bet you do want to be like me, niggerlips. Seeing that with my "geek" abilities I make more money than your entire fucking family going back 50 generations. I hope you will enjoy working at K-Mart or sucking the shit off of public toilets at a bus station as a Janitorial Engineer. I pray everyday to whatever god you believe in that he removes your ability to reproduce since having less of your fucked up DNA in the gene pool will only make this world better.

Also, learn to fucking spell. Every decent human being can do it.

Quote from: *MAFIA* Phantom
teleport code that we used ages ago and it doesn't work for 1942 you nib.

Lol? If you used it AGES ago than you wouldn't be saying that it doesn't work for BF1942. If you weren't such a retarded shithead, you'd realize that all mods are based off the 1942 engine - which means that the soldier exit position code existes for all player controllable objects thus would work equally well for vanilla BF1942 as well as for DC.

Quote from: *MAFIA* Toblerone
Im 100% sure...but I dont think that you can store data in a fingernail...J ust a thought...

I have a fucking 100TB Firewire memory drive implanted in my fingernail. I also shoot lasers out of my eyes.

BF 1942 / DOA's website
« on: October 16, 2005, 09:55:17 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Felonious
I think if you give them a server, you are giving yourself a new job.

Look at the date on this thread you moron. We already have a website.


I doubt it will be a day or two before you need to help,if they pay you however I think it makes all sorts of cents.

Lol. Dude, I have more knowledge about computers in my fingernail than entire MAFIA has combined in all its members.

Please show your ignorance somewhere people can't read it - like Siberia.

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