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General / Re: Dying
« on: May 16, 2009, 07:09:05 AM »
I think the biggest thing here is, "Why is it still frozen"?

Did the UK go into the ice age and it is -40 and the UK just happens to have grass/tress that likes that temp?

BF 1942 / Re: Who's GBR???
« on: May 09, 2009, 02:13:04 PM »
I bet they don't "hate" hackers. I bet they hate anyone that hacks on them because they want to be the best with their hacks... In other words, we can hack, but you can't.

Remember in BF42 it takes a hacker to find a hacker, so if they call you out on hacking, well...

We all know most aren't to smart when playing with hacks, so it just makes it that much easier for them to get banned when someone with ADMIN hacks on them to see it happening.

Oh yea, I have never heard of them.

BF 1942 / Re: Stats are back
« on: May 09, 2009, 10:35:26 AM »
No, you won't.. That guy would own you.

I bet you and CPT Hol E Shet can't beat each other, it would be a tie.

Help / Re: Disk Errors
« on: April 15, 2009, 08:34:26 AM »
Defag 1st then run the checker. That is the best I can do for you now... Sorry I wont be able to to go on any farther with this tobic.

Flame / Re: Mod/Admin
« on: January 31, 2009, 06:53:13 PM »
It wasn't an opinion, it was a statement... This being a forum, a public forum that I am a member of I can post (with in the rules) what I wish.

Funny, when I was Head and you "weren't" a member, I took your statements to heart and to deep consideration. .. But that's ok, we all forget, no problem.

"You" are the one that has a problem with me playing on your server with the tools that I am able to play with (I am not taking them, steeling them, removing them from a MAFIA member) they are there for the public to use and I shell use them... Just like you will use your patches (bunkers, super guns), don't be pissed at me because you can't kill me with your "cool" stuff, but I can kill you.

By the way, owning "anyone" on the server is not grounds for kicking or banning anyone (this is a statement of the rules that I know that are posted, not an opinion).

 I went off subject on this thread because Green did.

You have a great night, just saying.

Flame / Re: Mod/Admin
« on: January 31, 2009, 04:47:05 PM »
LOL not really, you know me... He is asking about how to get admin because he thinks he will be able to kick "me" because of me owning his lying ass.

But it dose bother me a bit when someone calls you a hacker then plays it out that they don't hack. Anyone with a nut in their head should know better then to call someone a hacker if they hack, because the other person can see they are being matched move for move... Soooooo he's a nigger.

Flame / Re: Mod/Admin
« on: January 31, 2009, 04:03:40 PM »
I just had to sign in for this one... Go fuck yourself you big baby. You have the nerve to call someone a hacker, but yet you are a hacker.

And to add, you have no chance in hell on being admin for this server, nigger.

Media / Re: Important Public Service Announcement.
« on: November 26, 2008, 07:46:01 PM »
Nope, not me, I was a drinker not a smoker... I can honestly say I have only smoked weed maybe 6x in my life... And the 70s? I would say that was a 60s commercial.

Media / Re: anyone that likes this song?
« on: November 26, 2008, 10:02:13 AM »
Yep... I like it by Guns N Roses and from Harry Chapin, who wrote the song... It goes without out saying, I like it much better when Chapin is singing it.

The song is just so true when it comes to Farther hood, what a father dose to his son (or what the Son sees when growing up) is more then likely will be past on for generations to come. It takes a strong man to by-pass that train of thought (his fathers teaching, the bad teaching) when raising his own son.

I wonder if Axl Rose had a reason for the re-make, maybe pointing something toward his dad?

Media / Re: Don't fall asleep at work...
« on: November 25, 2008, 07:23:11 PM »
It all looks setup to me, but I thought it was funny.

Media / Don't fall asleep at work...
« on: November 25, 2008, 05:20:56 PM »
...or this could happen.

Spam / Re: we are on the threshold
« on: November 24, 2008, 01:37:21 PM »
A lot damn closer then Dune... Holly shit Dune what have you been watching/reading?

Spam / Re: we are on the threshold
« on: November 24, 2008, 07:30:31 AM »
time is quickly approaching, for the final answer :)

I agree and not to many will be ready... They will say (if they have time), oh this is what they were talking about.

Help / Re: Car Help
« on: November 11, 2008, 05:21:52 PM »
So what's the word Roshan...

Here an gone many times and not a word... Damn thread turns into bullshit post and not a word from the person you try to help, like that is a shock.

General / Re: what if a country invades the U.S.A.
« on: November 11, 2008, 08:09:24 AM »
Its probably none of my business but I couldn't agree more. On both occasions the threat of an imminant attack was brought to the attention of US homeland security well in advance but yet neither threat was acted upon. Kinda makes you wander if certain big wigs wanted it to happen because war tends to line the pockets of alot of ruthless individuals.

Sure it is your business... Think about it, the USA was asked many times to "help" out the UK, but we didn't want to get into the fight. Then Pearl happen, then boom there we are in the war, BUT not just fighting Japan, we jumped on BOTH fronts at once. Your statement in my eyes is 100% correct, I feel it was known that Pearl was going to get attacked and that was the only way Roosevelt could justify putting the USA into WWII and keep the US people on his side, remember Roosevelt said, we would NEVER join "your" fight over seas (but we did send you things you asked for)... We could go on forever with that history, but lets just say the US government lied to its people, that is a shock I bet  ::) .

War sucks, it suck real bad. I have a very big concern of the past news for the last year of this great country of ours, we are in trouble, simple as that. BUT so is the other parts of the world. Why? Because for the USA to get back on its feet fast (because "we" always do things fast) I am afraid we are going to something real DUMB. War makes jobs, lots of them FAST and I think the USA government is bullshitting its people and the world AGAIN. The Middle East will be the the concern this time around and I feel sorry for any of our troops or our Allies that are there with us, I truly do. I just hope I am wrong.

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