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Author Topic: what if a country invades the U.S.A.  (Read 2376 times)


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what if a country invades the U.S.A.
« on: November 10, 2008, 10:05:47 AM »

Honestly I don't think anyone is stupid enough to actually attack America on our own soil.

Because you know that when we go to "war" with these bullshit countries, we are always holding a LOT back. I ALMOST might feel sorry for the guys who decide "Hey guys let's attack America!12213!one!1!Eleven!1" because they would get America's full wrath, and to say the least, that would not be pretty.

I thought of a good but retarded comparison. Let's say some midget calls you up on the phone and is like "IMMA KICK YOUR ASS." Well, then let's say that you go over to the midgets house to fight him. If you have any morals at all, you wouldn't just beat the shit out of the guy..Well..I'm sure MOST of you would, but for the ones who wouldn't you know what I mean. You would hold a lot back.

But NOW let's say he raped your mother, then told you he was going to kick your ass. We would all go apeshit on this little guy. And that's what I mean by it wouldn't be pretty.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2008, 10:10:47 AM by End »

*MAFIA* Hellraiser

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Re: what if a country invades the U.S.A.
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2008, 12:12:28 PM »

Honestly I don't think anyone is stupid enough to actually attack America on our own soil.

  UMMMM, what was September 11th?  I see it as an attack.


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Re: what if a country invades the U.S.A.
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2008, 12:13:08 PM »

Well I guess that depends on who you think did it, eh?

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Re: what if a country invades the U.S.A.
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2008, 02:16:31 PM »

  UMMMM, what was September 11th?  I see it as an attack.

Yeah, but it wasn't like their military came after us, I think that's what he meant.  You're right, it was an attack, but a terrorist attack.  It wasn't like the Japanese military attacking in the 40s.  It'd be like if a random extremist group of people from the U.S. went and blew up a building in another country - that country would be under attack, but not by the U.S. military. 

*MAFIA* Hellraiser

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Re: what if a country invades the U.S.A.
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2008, 03:42:32 PM »

Yeah, but it wasn't like their military came after us, I think that's what he meant.  You're right, it was an attack, but a terrorist attack.  It wasn't like the Japanese military attacking in the 40s.  It'd be like if a random extremist group of people from the U.S. went and blew up a building in another country - that country would be under attack, but not by the U.S. military. 
  Well if that is what he meant then he should have fucking said it.  Stop sticking up for all the kids.  I know you enjoy all the little boys. 


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Re: what if a country invades the U.S.A.
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2008, 04:31:44 PM »

See, that is the biggest problem with 99% of the people of this great country of ours... "No one would ever have the nerve to attack us". Because of that mine set, it would be so easy to do so, I am not saying they would take us over, luckily there is a good number of "crazy White people" with guns (including myself) that would lock and load.

9-11... It wasn't a country, but in my eyes it was Pearl Harbor all over again... FYI, more people died on 9-11 then at Pearl Harbor, about 2200 at Pearl (it goes without saying the 100,000s that died in WWII because of that attack) and 3,000 "on" 9-11, BUT keep counting and adding to that number everyday someone dies over Afghanistan.

99% of you PLEASE do the other 1% a favor and NEVER become any type of leader of this country of ours, at least until you get your head out of your ASS.  ::)

*MAFIA* Wasserfaller

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Re: what if a country invades the U.S.A.
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2008, 05:04:50 PM »

See, that is the biggest problem with 99% of the people of this great country of ours... "No one would ever have the nerve to attack us". Because of that mine set, it would be so easy to do so
Not really. Hypothetically, if china invaded the US...think of how much food would be required to feed a standing army. How easy would it be to ship in thousands of troops across an entire ocean? I'm pretty sure we'd notice them coming.

Now I'm just saying this in regards to a conventional army attacking us. Some kind of militant extremist group doing something on a smaller scale, like 9/11, would be much more plausible. But when it comes to "X country vs. USA," chances are pretty slim that it would actually happen, an invasion would be just too costly.
9-11... It wasn't a country, but in my eyes it was Pearl Harbor all over again... FYI, more people died on 9-11 then at Pearl Harbor, about 2200 at Pearl (it goes without saying the 100,000s that died in WWII because of that attack) and 3,000 "on" 9-11, BUT keep counting and adding to that number everyday someone dies over Afghanistan.
You can't really consider 9/11 an attack by a country. I know you're not saying that, but you do kind of hint that a certain country is to blame for it. The hijackers were mostly from Saudi Arabia, about 2/3 of them or so if i remember correctly. So if a country was to be blamed for 9/11, blame Saudi Arabia/Iran/Afghanistan for harboring known terrorists.
What is the Alchole level pike at for you Duney.


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Re: what if a country invades the U.S.A.
« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2008, 07:06:43 PM »

Wasser... I am just going to point out one thing from your post and  I am going to let this go, this is just a subject that we could just keep shooting back and forth at each other. I have to say, you have to start to think out of the box.

Not really. Hypothetically, if china invaded the US...think of how much food would be required to feed a standing army. How easy would it be to ship in thousands of troops across an entire ocean? I'm pretty sure we'd notice them coming.

China was the wrong Army to use for this hypothetical invasion.

China, 2 MILLION man army (almost 2.5 mil with Reserve). The USA 1.5 mil active and 1.5 mil in reserve. Now remember our Military is all over the world, they aren't sitting here in the USA to fight off a 2 million man Chinese Army coming over on a boat. Yes I agree far from likely they could load 2 million on a boat and land here with out us doing something, but how much could we do? There is only one way we could ever fight off a full China invasion, they would have to be nuked simple as that, there is no way in hell we could stop them with conventional weapons, impossible, we are good but we aren't that good.

Ok so lets say 1/2 (1 mil) of that China army hits our shores, well lets face it our NEW President sure wouldn't turn that key for Nukes... So you say, there is no way to feed them (you above, "think of how much food would be required to feed a standing army") and fuel their equipment (I say). Yep you are correct it would take a God's amount of food to feed them and I am correct, a God's amount of fuel for the equipment. Ok, step back for this one because from your post above that I quoted it looks as if you are stuck in a "box"... This is the USA, not some desert over seas, there isn't one piece of Cost line that they would/could step on that they couldn't find a damn Wal-Mart for the food or a Exxon station for their fuel, in other words "WE" (the USA) have all they need to support their 1 mil man army, shit I would bet (no, I know we do) we would even have all the ammo for their carry weapons.

In closing of this topic (for me)... I am NOT saying it WILL happen, but people have to get out of this "we can never be touched" set of mind, that thinking is what will get us in trouble. Believe me I think the USA is "bad ass' straight up, but so did the people of The Roman Empire, Germany and Iraq (just to name a few) think they were "bad ass" as well.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2008, 07:09:09 PM by ReLoaded »

*MAFIA* Wasserfaller

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Re: what if a country invades the U.S.A.
« Reply #8 on: November 10, 2008, 08:07:46 PM »

I am NOT saying it WILL happen, but people have to get out of this "we can never be touched" set of mind, that thinking is what will get us in trouble.
I'm not justifying the "it will never happen to us" mindset, on the contrary i think there are way too many countries that hate our guts right now and have the military capabilities to cause some serious damage.

I'm just saying that the resources required to make it happen would definitely be noticeable, and I'm not saying it wouldn't happen, i'm saying we would probably see it coming from a far ways off. How we would react to an invasion though is a different story.

*MAFIA* Dune Surfer

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Re: what if a country invades the U.S.A.
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2008, 07:19:04 AM »

9-11... It wasn't a country, but in my eyes it was Pearl Harbor all over again...
Its probably none of my business but I couldn't agree more. On both occasions the threat of an imminant attack was brought to the attention of US homeland security well in advance but yet neither threat was acted upon. Kinda makes you wander if certain big wigs wanted it to happen because war tends to line the pockets of alot of ruthless individuals.


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Re: what if a country invades the U.S.A.
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2008, 08:09:24 AM »

Its probably none of my business but I couldn't agree more. On both occasions the threat of an imminant attack was brought to the attention of US homeland security well in advance but yet neither threat was acted upon. Kinda makes you wander if certain big wigs wanted it to happen because war tends to line the pockets of alot of ruthless individuals.

Sure it is your business... Think about it, the USA was asked many times to "help" out the UK, but we didn't want to get into the fight. Then Pearl happen, then boom there we are in the war, BUT not just fighting Japan, we jumped on BOTH fronts at once. Your statement in my eyes is 100% correct, I feel it was known that Pearl was going to get attacked and that was the only way Roosevelt could justify putting the USA into WWII and keep the US people on his side, remember Roosevelt said, we would NEVER join "your" fight over seas (but we did send you things you asked for)... We could go on forever with that history, but lets just say the US government lied to its people, that is a shock I bet  ::) .

War sucks, it suck real bad. I have a very big concern of the past news for the last year of this great country of ours, we are in trouble, simple as that. BUT so is the other parts of the world. Why? Because for the USA to get back on its feet fast (because "we" always do things fast) I am afraid we are going to something real DUMB. War makes jobs, lots of them FAST and I think the USA government is bullshitting its people and the world AGAIN. The Middle East will be the the concern this time around and I feel sorry for any of our troops or our Allies that are there with us, I truly do. I just hope I am wrong.

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