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Author Topic: Real life looks like a game.  (Read 9070 times)

*MAFIA* KrautKiller

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Re: Real life looks like a game.
« Reply #15 on: November 01, 2009, 07:48:18 PM »

good for you for having a job.  very responsible thing to do for a 15 year old.  I'd just add that freedom of speech doesnt give you automatic license to be disrespectful, especially to someone who has served this country for your right to that freedom.  Hellraiser, Loaded, Mano, and Swamp have served voluntarily and deserve the right to be treated with courtesy.  Even if you disagree with that which they opine.  Just keep in mind that you have a lot of life to live before you can insist that your view is THE only view.  Learn the proper rules of debate, please.  Carry on...
He forgets what that freedom really means.

The Federal Communications Commission law destroyed your right to say whatever you want to say sgt bob.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2009, 07:50:38 PM by *MAFIA* KrautKiller »

*MAFIA* BassSlappa

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Re: Real life looks like a game.
« Reply #16 on: November 01, 2009, 11:01:24 PM »

I think we should have devoted the billions given to AIG to the Military instead. Why negotiate with countries when you can obliterate or dominate them?
because thats how the world will end.

good for you for having a job.  very responsible thing to do for a 15 year old.  I'd just add that freedom of speech doesnt give you automatic license to be disrespectful, especially to someone who has served this country for your right to that freedom.  Hellraiser, Loaded, Mano, and Swamp have served voluntarily and deserve the right to be treated with courtesy.  Even if you disagree with that which they opine.  Just keep in mind that you have a lot of life to live before you can insist that your view is THE only view.  Learn the proper rules of debate, please.  Carry on...
well unless he's served in WW2, if he's served in the army, it wasnt to protect my freedom, it was for other reasons.

As for him deserving courtesy, he's already gotten loads of courtesy i'm sure. in my oppinion, treat others how you'd like them to treat you applies to everyone.

And i dont have a lot of life to live before i can insist that my view is the only view because i will never insist that my view is the only view.

*MAFIA* KrautKiller

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Re: Real life looks like a game.
« Reply #17 on: November 02, 2009, 04:36:04 AM »

The military is defending your freedom to have that view sgt bob. Without people serving in the military, any large military force could attack what few people decided to go into the USA military. Even if the majority of the military doesn't actually fight in a war, they have a job to protect our country if something were to happen. Which is why they deserve to be respected, even though the USA's citizens don't treat it's soldiers how they should be treated.

If a firefighter never sees a fire, do you still respect him for being on call to put one out?

*MAFIA* BassSlappa

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Re: Real life looks like a game.
« Reply #18 on: November 02, 2009, 04:53:50 PM »

i respect anyone and everyone that treats me back with said respect krautkiller.  I appreciate their courage but i'm sure that even they don't like what they are being made to do by politicians, that's my point. i'm all for having defense, but politicians need to get their priorities in order.

*MAFIA* KrautKiller

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Re: Real life looks like a game.
« Reply #19 on: November 02, 2009, 06:49:23 PM »

What priorities? If you're saying we shouldn't be in the middle east, then you haven't seen the evidence of what would have happened if we hadn't prevented those terrorist organizations from flourishing.


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Re: Real life looks like a game.
« Reply #20 on: November 02, 2009, 09:34:34 PM »

either way, i'm with wasser on this.  I'm sick of hearing about new weapons technologies that the government is going to spend billions on.  We need to stop spending so much god damn money on war and establish better relationships like wasser said.
Yeah that is all fine and dandy except for the fact that most of those countries would love to lull us into a false sense of security so that they could attack us. That's ok though, we would have good weapo.......wa it, no we wouldn't, we would spend that money trying to build our little "relationship".
In todays day and age it is all about who ever has the bigger stick, and I would rather be on the side with the biggest stick out of the fucking lot.

it'd be a hell of a lot less money to just put more money into homeland security than to send thousands of soldiers to Iraq and Afghanistan to get killed by muslims who would otherwise just blow each other up.  Our presence over there is doing more harm than good.

Now this statement goes to the whole debate thing MG brought up.

Learn the proper rules of debate, please.  Carry on...

You have a successfully made this a value issue, congratulation s. You advocated an argument that would have probably gone unnoticed had it been left alone. Too bad you failed to support why this change in the status quo would be in our best interest making this argument void. Furthermore the premise used kind of argues against itself.

You state that it would be a "hell of a lot less money to just put more money into homeland security than to send thousands of soldiers into Iraq" Isn't this a tad contradictory?  Wouldn't sending soldiers to these places effectively be "homeland security" in one way or another? Isn't their whole job over there to protect the homeland (The United States Of America) from further attack or at least set up a worthy government to bring stability over there. This would also protect the "homeland" as well in the long run, wouldn't it?

and Reloaded, wasser asked when the last time a plane was shot down by an enemy aircraft, and you replied "yesterday?" so you cant say that you weren't talking about being shot down by an enemy aircraft.

Ummmmmmmm yeah, He was, but he asked it in the form of a question. Loaded, historically, has a problem spelling certain words and expressing what he is trying to say accurately. When he said "Yesterday?" he asked it in an uncertain way (or how it appeared on the page) implying that it was not something he knew for sure. I do see what Wasser is saying though, like he had said, he was under the impression that our planes are not shot down hardly ever if at all, and loaded came out and said that it happens more than you think.

I can see the little debate going on between them but yours seems out of place.

The way i picture this, if it were real life.....

Loaded and Wasser are sitting down in a very exclusive club sipping ever so elegantly on tea and snacking on crumpets. They each are in tuxedo's, each have a monocle, a cigar, a top hat and mutton chops. They are drinking out of fine china and a butler is waiting on their every request. Every so often they stop their little debate, let out a little *Har har* type chuckle and carry out the discussion. Then you come along, wearing a dusty/dirty shirt, sporting a shoe missing the toe and the other foot just a sock, you smell of BO and you are sporting stubble that would make even the most hardened alcoholics blush. In your right hand is a stick resting over your right shoulder and on the end is a red sack owning all of your worldly possessions. You barge into their club, drunk, and begin spewing off profanities and refusing to accept that your view is incorrect. You knock over a statue, a vase and the butler before being escorted out.

That is how i am picturing it.

"At some point in their lives, 1 in 6 children will be abducted by the dutch." ~The fact core, Portal 2.

*MAFIA* BassSlappa

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Re: Real life looks like a game.
« Reply #21 on: November 02, 2009, 10:28:54 PM »

And its people like you that just fuel war. There is a huge difference between financing an army to fight in another country and funding defense measures.   No country in their right mind would dare attack the US, we do as you say "have the bigger stick" but does that mean we should waste our resources by getting involved in the matters of other countries?

What priorities? If you're saying we shouldn't be in the middle east, then you haven't seen the evidence of what would have happened if we hadn't prevented those terrorist organizations from flourishing.
i've been researching this for reports and stuff, so i know my facts.  These "terrorist organizations" exist because of our presence in the middle east. had we never gone over there, there would be very few terrorist organizations aimed at us.  Al-Qaeda itself was not a terrorist organization in the beginning, its goals were merely to spread the islamic views shared by Bin Laden and Azzam and send muslims to fight for their religion.  They did not orignially have America in mind.

 Did you know that the US supported Saddam and gave him financial backing before we turned him into an enemy and had him hung? And did you know that After 9/11, airstrikes were carried out that killed more citizens than in the 9/11 attacks themselves.  What kind of an image do these actions portray? An image that leads to terrorist organization's seeing a number of new recruits. So the war in itself is not effectively helping to prevent terrorist activity from flourishing, but instead is doing quite the opposite.

As for homeland security, don't play fucking dumb. you know what i mean when i say homeland security. I'm talking about those who protect our borders, and oversee what goes in and out of our country through airports, sea ports, etc.

And honestly Maggot, you have don't have a lot of room to talk about me barging in, when you yourself are guilty of the same. i merely wanted to comment on the issue, since these are in fact forums, where one is usually encouraged to converse.


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Re: Real life looks like a game.
« Reply #22 on: November 02, 2009, 11:14:42 PM »

And honestly Maggot, you have don't have a lot of room to talk about me barging in, when you yourself are guilty of the same.
I on the other hand did not come in yelling profanities and talking about a particular item on whatever agenda it is you are pushing, lets try this again.

And its people like you that just fuel war. There is a huge difference between financing an army to fight in another country and funding defense measures.
Ok, lets sit back and and just build up our defense so they can attack (hypothetically), that way they have a plan that will work well.

No country in their right mind would dare attack the US
Lord knows enough of them want to.

we do as you say "have the bigger stick" but does that mean we should waste our resources by getting involved in the matters of other countries?
Waste OUR resources by getting into other countries matters?

Hell, this whole conflict is over THEIR resource (oil) that could severely cripple our economy (even more) if an embargo is placed on their oil. Why do you think we are there? Honestly.

i've been researching this for reports and stuff, so i know my facts. 

Well why didn't you say so? Sorry i even remotely doubted your rebuttal for an instant.

These "terrorist organizations" exist because of our presence in the middle east. had we never gone over there, there would be very few terrorist organizations aimed at us.  Al-Qaeda itself was not a terrorist organization in the beginning, its goals were merely to spread the islamic views shared by Bin Laden and Azzam and send muslims to fight for their religion.  They did not orignially have America in mind.

Ok, you ARE the expert on this stuff, who am I to disagree with YOU?

Did you know that the US supported Saddam and gave him financial backing before we turned him into an enemy and had him hung?
ok, the point of this?

And did you know that After 9/11, airstrikes were carried out that killed more citizens than in the 9/11 attacks themselves.  What kind of an image do these actions portray?
Your point? When Pearl Harbor was bombed only 2,300ish people were killed, but did you know just a few years later we bombed Tokyo and killed around 100,000 civilians with incendiary bombs? Sure as shit made them fear us didn't it? If we were willing to kill 100,000 of their innocent people, their women, children, old, young, weak, and strong.....don't you think that had some sort of psychological effect on what they were doing? (I know this sounds like i am arguing against myself right here and sounds completely off base).

An image that leads to terrorist organization's seeing a number of new recruits.
If uh okay, care to specify from where? As in Americans or Saudi's? Clarify pl0x.

So the war in itself is not effectively helping to prevent terrorist activity from flourishing, but instead is doing quite the opposite.
Good, maybe if they get enough people following the government will take its head out of its ass, say that it is past saving and bomb the ever loving shit out of all of it. Fuck them. (apathy?)

As for homeland security, don't play fucking dumb. you know what i mean when i say homeland security. I'm talking about those who protect our borders, and oversee what goes in and out of our country through airports, sea ports, etc.
Those who protect our borders? Is that not what they are currently doing? Protecting our borders?

And honestly Maggot, you have don't have a lot of room to talk about me barging in, when you yourself are guilty of the same. i merely wanted to comment on the issue, since these are in fact forums, where one is usually encouraged to converse.

I, however came to the club with membership card in hand, monocle on face and tuxedo neatly creased.

I felt as though i handled this quite well without obscenity, original post was made to just try and get a rise out of you. Seemed like it worked, i don't know though....i have been up for about 24 hours so you tell me.

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Re: Real life looks like a game.
« Reply #23 on: November 03, 2009, 07:30:24 AM »

So much to read in this thread. TL:TR

*MAFIA* Manowar

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Re: Real life looks like a game.
« Reply #24 on: November 03, 2009, 08:17:36 AM »

Yo Sgt Bob,
Don't forget to register as a tree hugging left wing liberal dumbocract.  Bring your operation pink membership card as well.  I served in the Persian Gulf in 1985, 1988, 1999 (Were you even born yet?) when we were "Saddam's friend".  Don't presume to teach me anything about terrorism you learned from your America hating text books that only taught you some pansies opinion.  Do some time in the trenches when you get to review the real Intel and put about 30 years of wisdom behind you before you try to enter into a world politics debate.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2009, 08:19:28 AM by *MAFIA* Manowar »

Ultimate embarrassment, running into a wall with a boner and breaking your nose first.

*MAFIA* KrautKiller

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Re: Real life looks like a game.
« Reply #25 on: November 03, 2009, 01:12:58 PM »

Sgt bob... Are these your views you've developed or are they something your teachers have told you?

I feel like I've been watching some liberal hippie on youtube.

*MAFIA* Wasserfaller

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Re: Real life looks like a game.
« Reply #26 on: November 03, 2009, 04:13:26 PM »

I feel like I've been watching some liberal hippie on youtube.
sometimes i wonder why you respond to some threads.
What is the Alchole level pike at for you Duney.

*MAFIA* Malbert

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Re: Real life looks like a game.
« Reply #27 on: November 03, 2009, 05:27:16 PM »

Check out our new fighter.  And when I say our I mean the United Fucking States of America! 


Awesome, the military knows how to hack.

*MAFIA* KrautKiller

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Re: Real life looks like a game.
« Reply #28 on: November 03, 2009, 05:45:06 PM »

sometimes i wonder why you respond to some threads.
I think I hit a soft spot there wasser :P

*MAFIA* BassSlappa

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Re: Real life looks like a game.
« Reply #29 on: November 03, 2009, 10:02:50 PM »

no i'm not a fucking tree hugging liberal. And I'm not a democrat or a republican though i would have voted McCain over fucking Obama.  I'm done with this thread. you're right, i dont know enough about this to argue over it, but i doubt anyone does.   

No i did not get my "views" from a teacher, i got them from what i've researched and seen from a variety of sources. 

so go ahead maggot, magnify everthing i've said in this post and criticize my every word if you really have nothing better to do. i'm not replying in this topic unless i truly feel compelled to do so.


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