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Author Topic: 147 Reasons why BF3 is a failure[from battlelog forums]  (Read 7859 times)

*MAFIA* Kingpin

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147 Reasons why BF3 is a failure[from battlelog forums]
« on: November 19, 2011, 05:55:30 PM »

this guy on the battle log forums went off on Dice ahahahahahah


90% of the stuff mentioned here are not bugs, but intended game design features - or lack of. And thus never will be fixed / corrected.

Battlefield franchise 2002 - 2006 R.I.P.

About Ea Games / Dice :

- ea games/ dice has performed the biggest lie campaign in pc gaming history
- it feels like none of the developers have ever played a pc shooter for one single second
- it’s obvious that this is a dumbed down, simplistic console port
- prime focus has been consoles, since pc games don’t sell well
- the game is unfinished and released too early, just to be released before modern warfare 3
- too many resources has been spent on the singleplayer campaign, which has left multiplayer lacking almost everything thinkable
- this game is 90% bad company 2
- battlefield 3 is done, and ea / dice don’t give a damn about adding features, fixing the game anymore
- battlefield 4 already confirmed in the work, ea / dice is copying mw3’s quick rollout quantity over quality methods

Generally :

- no patch / game version available ingame or in origin or battlelog
- no official channel for upcoming updates, only short hard-to-find scattered tweets
- voip broken
- squad management missing
- no battlerecorder
- no mod tools
- 3 apps to play one game: bf3, origin, webbrowser
- no way to explore maps and practice on empty private home servers
- not possible to change name in-game
- player names only a maximum of 16 characters long, should be 24+
- no special symbols in names, only brackets, underscore, hyphen
- no built in screenshot key function
- no separate mouse sensitivity for vehicles, infantry, planes, etc
- no ingame player to player messenger
- commo-rose not working as it should
- 60 second pause after round end, where only unlock info is available
- map load times too long …. background loading at end of current map could reduce this
- personal stats / unlocks / xp doesn’t get saved if one quits before round end

Graphics :

- depressing colours and environments … everything looks pale grey / pale brown … no true red, green, blue, yellow
- blue filter / low colour temperature on all maps
- most maps look the same
- no windows xp / directx 9 support
- no real “low” graphics settings to get high frames per second
- not state of the art directx 11 graphics ... looks like 2006 graphics
- some objects are highly detailed, others aren’t
- no way to control ranged graphics details: bushes and grass pop up of the ground, etc.
- tree animations looks shaky and overdone
- unrealistic human animations

Admining :

- No freecam or trackcam for admins / players means that admining is ruined, it’s virtually impossible to detect :

• glitching
• exploiting
• cheating
• hacking
• teamwounding
• deliberate teamkilling
• friendly vehicle damaging
• idling / afk’ing in vehicles
• waisting vehicles
• friendly vehicle destroying
• vehicle stealing when repairing
• vehicle blocking
• vehicle whoring
• spawnblocking
• taxiing to aircrafts
• taxiing with aircrafts
• mining main uncap base
• etc. etc. etc.

Maps / Levels / Game environment :

- only 9 maps at launch, should be 15 at least
- almost no maps with hills, mountains, gorges, valleys
- virtually no sea warfare, no true sea maps, no driveable ships
- carriers can’t be damaged, destroyed
- maps are too small
- centered flags on all maps
- 5 flags on seven out of nine maps
- no maps with captureable mains
- no maps where one team controls the majority or all flags at start
- no maps where the both teams control some of the flags at start
- no maps where one or both teams have no main bases
- too few vehicles on most maps
- stationary aa guns can’t be damaged / destroyed
- air vehicles are able / allowed to enter enemy mains, land vehicles, infantry is not
- only aircrafts can use the entire map, land vehicles and infantry are limited to the center only
- no special spawnpoints : parachute spawn, flying plane spawn, etc
- few or no vehicles spawn at flags
- no bomberplanes, no artillery
- no map edit tools

Ingame 3D markers / tags :

- markers over both friendly and enemy infantry and vehicles too small and too hard to notice
- flag markers are constantly visible and often in the center of the screen where aiming is needed

Ingame mechanics :

- being able to see some enemy infantry (spotted) on the minimap is the lamest feature ever
- minimum respawn time is 13 seconds … should be adjustable down to two
- while dead, spawn menu is unavailable until 10 secs has passed
- automatic respawn in main when selected spawnpoint is unavailable
- black screen up to 2 seconds after respawn
- out of bounds black screen should be removed, should be warn sign only
- only one teamswitch every second round, should be one per round
- no loadout customization after end of round
- no loadout customization after dying
- all vehicles have unlimited ammo
- altitude ceiling of 1 km for aircrafts too little, should be 2+
- no unguided bombs for jets
- one player can completely block teammates in narrow passages, ... player pushing has been disabled
- parachutes only 90 degrees directional controllable, not 360
- no shooting while sprinting
- no autosprint toggle, key has to be pressed all the time
- no underwater swimming
- some fire from burning objects do damage to infantry, others don’t
- not possible for players to see map rotation ingame
- the flashlight blinding effect in broad daylight is overdone and ridiculous
- irnv scope is idiotic and overpowered
- can only revive while standing up
- can’t pull dead players into safety before reviving
- can’t reject getting revived

Ingame GUI :

- the gui should totally adjustable ... locations, size, colours, transparency, etc

User menu :

- all menus are too small for pc resolution … its obvious they are designed for lowres consoles with gamepads
- keybindings take too long to clear ... no way to clear all keybindings at once
- user menu not available when dead and after end of round

Game modes :

- in reality only three modes, conquest, rush, tdm
- no new and original modes
- no capture the flag
- some vehicles only available in rush mode

Game view / Game cams :

- no freecam
- no trackcam for following individual players
- only one external vehicle cam
- no chasecam when being non-driver / pilot in vehicles and aircrafts

Destruction / Object interaction

- no terrain / ground deformation
- some things disappear when destroyed ... others don’t
- only some buildings are destructable
- some parts of buildings can be destroyed, while other identical parts of the building can’t
- some non enterable vehicles are destructable, others arent; cars are, forklifts, excavators aren’t
- some things can be moved around when shot at or bumped into ... others of same size and shape can’t
- player corpses are unmoveable

Spawn map :

- way way way too small
- not clickable with mouse
- too hard to distinguish between icons … better colour coding needed

Scoreboard / Player roster :

- no team totals for deaths, kills, score
- no player ping values
- player classes not shown (sniper, engineer, assault, recon)
- no victory ceremony / board at round end, no overall best, only team best, no winners of last rounds icons
- no unique player number id’s

Ticket counter :

- ticket counter disappears when switching to big minimap

Flag counter :

- flag counter disappears when switching to big minimap

Compass :

- compass disappears when switching to big minimap

Minimap :

- too small .... player arrows too small
- no minimap transparency and size control
- minimap changes between static / rotational
- minimap gets reset when entering / exiting vehicles + at respawn
- all teammates can't be seen on minimap
- no grid on minimap
- self avatar isn't highlighted with at distinct colour on minimap
- no minimap when dead and waiting to spawn
- big minimap has fluent zoom

Sound :

- ambient sound is repetitive
- ambient nonplayer gunfire should be removed

Crosshairs :

- infantry crosshairs hard to see - white is the worst color thinkable ... size, thickness, color should be adjustable

Ingame chat :

- chat box size uncontrollable
- layout and letter size uncontrollable
- shouldn’t have background colour

Server browser :

- 300 servers browser cap
- server browser needs to be scrolled down after refresh to show all
- can’t join servers by typing ip
- no ping filter
- ip of servers not showing
- not possible to see current round scoreboard in battlelog server browser
- not possible to see total number of servers
- not possible to see ticket setting in server settings

- not possible to see total number of players
- no full server filter in battlelog browser
- no options in server filter, not to pick an option
- can’t write own comments about servers
- server map rotation info on battlelog doesn’t show if maps get played one or two times
- many servers servers shows up twice

Server setup :

- not possible to set up servers on home computers
- no lan support
- no ingame timer possible
- no adjustable teambalance, only +- 1 per team
- not possible to control number of vehicles, extra vehicles, etc

*MAFIA* Scooby

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Re: 147 Reasons why BF3 is a failure[from battlelog forums]
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2011, 06:44:21 PM »

Well for those of us who don't have BF3, are his points correct?

*MAFIA* Malbert

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Re: 147 Reasons why BF3 is a failure[from battlelog forums]
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2011, 07:21:42 PM »

he is right about the admin definately. I hope they release patches for free and maps. Expansions who cares. Everything about the server refreshing is true as well. The origin thing is crap. Battlelog stat tracking is cool though.

*MAFIA* Meeester

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Re: 147 Reasons why BF3 is a failure[from battlelog forums]
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2011, 07:29:25 PM »

90% of his points are true or necessary but the rest of it is just him being a little bitch. Some of his points are ridiculous:

-player names only a maximum of 16 characters long, should be 24+
-both points about ingame 3D markers
-no shooting while sprinting

It's a long list.


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Re: 147 Reasons why BF3 is a failure[from battlelog forums]
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2011, 09:21:16 PM »

Yeah, the game would have been ten times better in my eyes if they just called it BFBC3.

*MAFIA* Kingpin

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Re: 147 Reasons why BF3 is a failure[from battlelog forums]
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2011, 12:37:13 AM »

its almost as if they rebuild the game entirely from scratch. No traces of any previous battlefield. Proof are things like no ping status in score screen, chat window, server settings,mini map,map and all kinds of other stuff. Thing is, they catered this game more towards the consoles, when in reality console gamers aren't the ones who stick with a game years after its out. Look at bf2 and 1942. YEARS and people still play. Xbox and ps3 gamers aren't going to be playing this game a year from now, its just the way it is. EA as of late,are money hungry beasts. I hope they don't push for a new game next year like whats been going on since bad company 1 & 2. if that happens, i am going ape shit.

*MAFIA* ßlåkjáx

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Re: 147 Reasons why BF3 is a failure[from battlelog forums]
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2011, 03:06:54 AM »

Thing is, they catered this game more towards the consoles, when in reality console gamers aren't the ones who stick with a game years after its out. 
Yeah, its called money. 99.99% of corporations are going to gear their product towards the largest demand margin.


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Re: 147 Reasons why BF3 is a failure[from battlelog forums]
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2011, 02:46:29 PM »

its almost as if they rebuild the game entirely from scratch. No traces of any previous battlefield. Proof are things like no ping status in score screen, chat window, server settings,mini map,map and all kinds of other stuff. Thing is, they catered this game more towards the consoles, when in reality console gamers aren't the ones who stick with a game years after its out. Look at bf2 and 1942. YEARS and people still play. Xbox and ps3 gamers aren't going to be playing this game a year from now, its just the way it is. EA as of late,are money hungry beasts. I hope they don't push for a new game next year like whats been going on since bad company 1 & 2. if that happens, i am going ape shit.
This is why I still play Starcraft. As much as I dislike Blizzard, they build their games for longevity.

*MAFIA* ßlåkjáx

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Re: 147 Reasons why BF3 is a failure[from battlelog forums]
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2011, 03:03:56 PM »

This is why I still play Starcraft. As much as I dislike Blizzard, they build their games for longevity.
That's because they can get idiots like you to pay for a subscription every month, just sayin'.

*MAFIA* Scooby

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*MAFIA* ßlåkjáx

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Re: 147 Reasons why BF3 is a failure[from battlelog forums]
« Reply #10 on: November 20, 2011, 03:45:10 PM »


and then


Stay classy, Blak.
So your point is... I had more fun than you when I was younger? Thats a given. Especially seeing that you spent all the time to look up a thread where I explained how I was an idiot. You must have a lot of free time on your hands. That's what happens when no one likes you.

*MAFIA* Scooby

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Re: 147 Reasons why BF3 is a failure[from battlelog forums]
« Reply #11 on: November 20, 2011, 03:52:04 PM »

So your point is... I had more fun than you when I was younger? Thats a given. Especially seeing that you spent all the time to look up a thread where I explained how I was an idiot. You must have a lot of free time on your hands. That's what happens when no one likes you.

Hope you have as much fun with your insurance rates and possible job opportunities in the future.

My momma likes me. She told me last night before I went to bed. Your argument is invalid.

*MAFIA* Kingpin

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Re: 147 Reasons why BF3 is a failure[from battlelog forums]
« Reply #12 on: November 20, 2011, 04:05:42 PM »


*MAFIA* ßlåkjáx

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Re: 147 Reasons why BF3 is a failure[from battlelog forums]
« Reply #13 on: November 20, 2011, 06:28:01 PM »

Hope you have as much fun with your insurance rates and possible job opportunities in the future.
None of my drinking or smoking escapades have raised my insurance rates in anyway.

As for my job opportunities. .. I may have a hard time trying to get a government job, that's about it. I'm a graphic design major. We all pretty much smoke weed.

Have you ever smoked week Rosh? Been Drunk? Done any drugs?


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Re: 147 Reasons why BF3 is a failure[from battlelog forums]
« Reply #14 on: November 20, 2011, 06:51:41 PM »

None of my drinking or smoking escapades have raised my insurance rates in anyway.

As for my job opportunities. .. I may have a hard time trying to get a government job, that's about it. I'm a graphic design major. We all pretty much smoke weed.

Have you ever smoked week Rosh? Been Drunk? Done any drugs?

Only the sedatives his mom gives him because of his trolling

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