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Author Topic: Hurricane Katrina  (Read 12165 times)

Billy Rubin

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Hurricane Katrina
« on: September 02, 2005, 06:24:54 PM »

Well, I've been glued to CNN (your hurricane headquarters) since I heard about it, what a devastating mess. I guess maybe the Tragically Hip were on to something.
Anyways, I hope all of you are ok, I don't think we have any members from that particular area, but was anyone close? Daddy? Told you all to move to Canada ;)


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Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2005, 07:02:57 PM »

I'm not in the area, but I've been working in a Emergency Coordination call center after work. In fact I'll be going in at midnight.


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Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2005, 07:07:37 PM »

My mom was called down to Beluxi or something like that being in an emergency responce relief thingy...hope she's doing ok.


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Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2005, 08:38:01 PM »

The hurricane passed over me while it was a Tropical Storm, so  I guess Im lucky?

*MAFIA* Phantom

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Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2005, 12:05:51 AM »

Sucks for all those people, and even now on tv all I see is a bunch of black people looting on the streets now. They always show the black people doing the crimes...

*MAFIA* Bonehead

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Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2005, 12:10:37 AM »

I wish I was in charge I would declare marshal law and shot any looter seen :) Yes billy I did get some of it we hade a few really nasty storms from it and a few set some twisters down but I was lucky to not have been hit by any of them.


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Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2005, 12:22:16 AM »

Quote from: *MAFIA* Phantom
Sucks for all those people, and even now on tv all I see is a bunch of black people looting on the streets now. They always show the black people doing the crimes...

On the yahoo news, when it reffered to the black man, it said he was, "looting."
when they reffered to the white man, they said he, "found" food.

Billy Rubin

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Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2005, 04:16:05 AM »

So what exactly do you do at an emergency co-ordination center Rat Man? I assume you aren't dealing with the poeple in New Orleans.
I heard a nurse call in from one of the hospitals in N.O. the other day saying they have had no running water since the hurricane, and no power, they had patients sitting in their own feces because they have no way to wash them up, and they have had to start IVs on some of the nurses to keep them hydrated...I couldn't imagine. These people are going to require long term therapy.


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Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2005, 08:19:45 AM »

I suppose I should clarify that. I'm in the Navy at  our Personnel Command. We have a number you may have seen on CNN that allows Navy members and families to call to try and help find out information about sailors or their family members and also find out what they need to do if they evacuated and where they can get help. Theres more to it but that's it in a nutshell.


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Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2005, 08:35:24 AM »

Im in College Station, Tx. We have over 200 people here in one of the relief centers here. Texas A&M I believe has taken in 17 students so far from McNeese State. Our athletic director has said that the Saints could play at our stadium if they needed to. They had to stop taking people to the astrodome so they are taking them to the Alamodome in San Antonio.


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Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #10 on: September 03, 2005, 10:22:03 AM »

Quote from: *MAFIA* g00deye
On the yahoo news, when it reffered to the black man, it said he was, "looting."
when they reffered to the white man, they said he, "found" food.

well if you saw correctly, the nigs were running through the streets, breaking windows, and litteraly looting stuff... and the white people were looking through peoples trash for food.  Now the few black women who went in there, and got things like diapers, and healthy food just to survive, I can understand that.  But the majority of those fucking niggers were taking CD players, and TV's, and CD's, stuff totally irrelivent to their survival.

I'm not racist against black people... I'm racist against ignorence... and since 99.9% of black people are ignorent, they're fucking niggers.

Personally... all those stupid people who stayed, don't really DESERVE the medical help and treatment they are getting.  Not only were they stubborn and ignorent not to leave, but they also are shooting eachother, shooting rescue workers, shooting helicopters, and shooting buses.  They now have a shoot-to-kill order on that type of stuff, but god damn.  The chant in the street of WE WANT HELP NOW!, was rediculous.  It's like, chill, we didn't expect you all to stay you dumb fucks... we're working on it.  Also, what type of mothers are all of them, to stay through a storm, with their newborn baby.  I mean, WOW.

I DO, however sympathize, with the people who were smart enough to leave and save themselves, and the medical rescue costs and efforts.  Even though they "shouldn't have built homes there", it's unavoidable anywhere you go.  If it's not hurricanes, it'll be earthquakes, or tornadoes, or tsunami's, or mass flooding.  The only place I really think that theoretically can not have a huge natural disaster is Oregon.  No major expected 10.0 earthquakes, no tornadoes, no nothing to wipe out an area.
i'm joining doa;)

*MAFIA* Phantom

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Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #11 on: September 03, 2005, 11:43:22 AM »

I'm gonna have to be honest, if I was in New Orleans I would be stealing too...think of all that expensive shit you would find in the the wreckage! Woohoo. I bet you some of those black people on tv weren't really black, they were just white people that fell in mud. haha

*MAFIA* Bonehead

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Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #12 on: September 03, 2005, 12:27:50 PM »

Your not safe anywhere the weather is going to hell and soon everyone will feel it I wouldn't be suprised if canada gets a hurricane. The weather will get worse by the day untill we have deserts in canada and frozen plains in the tropics.


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Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #13 on: September 03, 2005, 12:28:17 PM »


Billy Rubin

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Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #14 on: September 03, 2005, 02:21:52 PM »

Quote from: *MAFIA* ICEMAN

Personally... all those stupid people who stayed, don't really DESERVE the medical help and treatment they are getting.  Not only were they stubborn and ignorent not to leave, but they also are shooting eachother, shooting rescue workers, shooting helicopters, and shooting buses.  They now have a shoot-to-kill order on that type of stuff, but god damn.  The chant in the street of WE WANT HELP NOW!, was rediculous.  It's like, chill, we didn't expect you all to stay you dumb fucks... we're working on it.  Also, what type of mothers are all of them, to stay through a storm, with their newborn baby.  I mean, WOW.

I disagree. Alot of those people who stayed, had to stay because they couldn't afford to leave, or else they had no where else to go! Some of it could be related to ignorance, I mean they said they had been told to evacuate before, and the storm turned out to be no big deal. However, whether they chose to stay or they had to stay, they still deserve help!
And yes, it is unfortunate that there are people who take advantage of these situations and cause more grief to others who are already in pain, but I wanna know, when the whole city gets evacuated, what are they gonna do with the stereo system they just stole from the electronics store? They can't take it with them, I don't see how it benefits them at all.

Quote from: *MAFIA* Bonehead
    Your not safe anywhere the weather is going to hell and soon everyone will feel it I wouldn't be suprised if canada gets a hurricane. The weather will get worse by the day untill we have deserts in canada and frozen plains in the tropics.

I agree with you, Canada's weather has already become odd. Our summer started late, and is pretty much over now, we had maybe 4 really nice days...AND we never got to go tubing down the river...it was either too high or the weather was too shitty. Stupid mother nature ;)

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