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Author Topic: Music Related Things  (Read 2187 times)


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« on: September 07, 2005, 11:42:28 PM »

Helpful Hint:  When trying to type in a long filename, some shells allow for name completetion where you only have to type in part of the name, and if it's unique, the shell can complete it for you.  The hotkey for that is generally TAB but some have it set as ESC.  You'll probably find that handy for this tutorial.

Limewire For Linux

Attention -- This tutorial is geared towards distros that can utilize rpms.  Debian and other deviant users may have a little tougher time with the install steps.  We may modify this tutorial to accompany those contingencies as well.  SuSE, Red Hat, and such should have little to no problems following this.  With that said . . .

I'm sure you're all familiar with Limewire.  Thankfully, it turns out that there is a Linux version out there which is very easy to install.  All you need to do is so grab the Linux rpm from here.  Once you have that downloaded somewhere (let's say $HOME/Downloads), open up a shell and cd to that directory.  Use an ls command to find the name of the file (ending in .rpm).  Mine was called LimeWireLinux. rpm (as should yours unless they alter something).  With root permission (or using sudo), issue the command rpm -i LimeWireLinux. rpm.

One of two things should have happened.  Either it simply dropped you back to your prompt (meaning all is well), or it threw you a nasty message about something it doesn't like.  In the latter case, I'm kind of helpless here since I can't see into the future.  However, I can guess as to what it might be.  Odds are, your Java Runtime Environment isn't updated.  In which case, go here  to get the latest version.  

You want to download the self-extracting bin file.  Like with limewire, we cd into the directory where we saved it to, and find the name with ls (ending with .bin).  Logging in as root (if you haven't already done so), type chmod u+x aDamnLongName. bin  Then, type ./aDamnLongName.bin, noting the leading period on that statement.  Hopefully you just fell back to your prompt, because if you got some sort of error, unless you PM me the message, there's nothing I can do.

Bearing that your jre was upgraded successfully, repeat the steps about installing the Limewire rpm.  Now, you should be dropped back to your prompt with the software installed.  We can find out where it is stored by typing whereis limewire.  You should get a line back with the fully qualified path to the program.  Just issue the command /limewire/path/limewire to start it up.  If you want to run it in the background (still gives you access to the prompt), follow the command with an ampersand ( & ).


Autolame is a simple script that utilizers a decoder to convert .wav files to .mp3 formats.  All the required files are linked to at the bottom of this message.  NOTE -- The .wav file saved on your computer will be destroyed, leaving only the mp3 in it's place.  If you want both, you need a backup.

The first file you need is autolame-1.17.sh.gz.  Save this somewhere and extract it.  Odds are you can do this through the GUI by right clicking on the file and saying EXTRACT HERE.  This should give you a bash script with the suffix .sh  We'll be editing that later, but for now, let's get the encoder.  That file is notlame-3.96.1.tar.gz.  Decompress this file as well to receive an executable.  When you are decompressing this file, decompress it in it's own folder within the folder containing the .sh script.  You should have a directory structure of
Code: [Select]
     misc other things
          .sh script

Under the /Autolame folder, create two new folders, one called in and one called out.  These are used by the script, reading .wav files from in and writing the .mp3 to out.  You can create directories by typing in the command mkdir nameOfDir

Now we need to alter the .sh script to reflect your personal settings.  On the command line, go to the folder with the .sh script file, and issue the command ed fileName.sh  Then hit H and P.
You are in a text editor, so don't start pushing random buttons or you'll shoot yourself in the foot.  Type in /ROOTDIR/ which should respond by printing a line starting with ROOTDIR.  Hit c, and then type in ROOTDIR=/pathToAutolame/Autolame .  It is important you put the period on it's own line with nothing else.  

Then type in /ENCODER/ and change that line with the c command to reflect the directory containing the executable decoder.  After you've done the period by itself on one line, hit enter again to see the next line.  If the parameter doesn't match what is shown below, change that as well.

In my case, it looked like this
Code: [Select]
ed autolame.sh
(enter twice)
(If ENCODERPARAMS doesn't equal -hk, change it like you've been doing
with c, typing, then a period by itself).

Now you're ready to go.  Move your .wav files into the in directory (using a mv statement or through the GUI).  Then, in the directory with the .sh script, issue the command ./autolame.sh and the conversion will begin.  Please note that all the files must have the .wav file on them for the script to recognize them.  If that becomes a problem, contact me.  I have a script you can run that will tag on the extensions.



Notlame Encoder

Killed U Wit A

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« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2005, 12:00:13 PM »

ok i dont want to read all that so caould u like post a summery of what the hell that says??


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« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2005, 12:41:50 PM »

Issue some computer magic and get Limewire and a .wav to .mp3 converter for a Linux machine.


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« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2005, 09:48:43 PM »

niiiiiiice...  see everyone, I'm not the only one who makes long posts that totally rock.
i'm joining doa;)


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« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2005, 10:00:22 PM »

Well damn, it's a tutorial.  What the hell would you expect?  Just to list the commands?  How much would that help?  Sheesh.


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« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2005, 10:04:00 PM »

I dont get it. Whats the whole linux thing about, seems like more work than its worth. All this command line crap, all these lines and lines and lines of commands, just to do the simplest little things. Seems like a waste of time more than anything.


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« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2005, 10:26:30 PM »

Linux offers us abilities far surpassing Windows.  Nearly everything is customizable, the OS is extremely stable, you're allowed to do what you want, it's inherently more secure . . .

Not everything is done through the command line.  A lot of functionality is implemented in the GUI.  Do you honestly think everytime I need to decompress a file, I drop down to the shell and issue tar -xsfv /some/damn/pacakage.tar.gz ?  Hell no.  I browse over in Konqueror, right click on the archive, and hit extract to.  

The reason these tutorials are aimed at the command line is because that's where the REAL power lies.  And there are some instances where you have to use the shell, so they might as well get used to it right away.

And the number one reason for Linux -- Tux is a hottie.


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« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2005, 09:44:32 PM »

w00t linux pwnz u

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