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Author Topic: Whats your infatuation with us??  (Read 16369 times)


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Whats your infatuation with us??
« Reply #60 on: October 24, 2005, 12:36:28 PM »


1)If it stinks like shit...it must be shit...hence why you are shit Bonehead.2)Dont fuckin playing ignorant....3)you fuckheads always fuckin with us because your site is ugly as sin. Cant help that shit. Go take some design classes. All the programming knowledge in the world wont get you guys a clue as to what makes a website look good. All the hacking knowledge in the world wont make you better players. 4)So Bonehead, obviously its you who posted as USAF Blue on our forums...so how about this....dont disgrace the American Air Force by wearing them tags.5) Unlike oyu little fuckfaces, we actually have members of the armed forces in our clan because they have honor...someth ing you know nothing about. So go fuck yourself you pitiful excuse of an admin.
          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^HIS THOUGHTS

1)If it stinks like shit you have gone to low move your dumbass nose up and get off your sister
2)dont fucking playing ignorant???wowza you shouldnt be allowed to use the word ignorant after that oral diharea.
3)you think we bug you because you think we are ugly... you must be a pet detective in real life.
4)with all your programming knowledge and gaming skills your still to stupid to find the 14 year old child USAF member who posted on your forums
5)unlike yourself I check the facts before I accuse 30 r 40 people of lying, you use the phsycic hotline?she tell you we have no military members???
 I think, that if your site is getting owned by a 14 year old kid you should think twice before coming to a site with  talent and grit and run your mouth.
 You have just been served by a retarted hairlip with a droolcup necklace:)

*MAFIA* KrautKiller

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Whats your infatuation with us??
« Reply #61 on: October 24, 2005, 04:20:11 PM »

Whats your infatuation with posting on this thread??


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Whats your infatuation with us??
« Reply #62 on: November 14, 2005, 01:31:37 AM »

Quote from: Recon
Hounor.....that bitch talking about hounor..... For you that don't completely know my ass im EX-[-UG-] RECON...Orange your a fucking  Neo con the shit that comes out of you mouth should be stuffed back in your ass. on so many levels, "You yourself" "Just a plain fucking coward" you sir have no hounor i was in ug for what a year and all i took was bullshit from both sides of this toxic sespool you fagget fucks call your forums..you speak of hounor because you have nothing left to fight  /w..when i was an UGly member the anger that built yup was like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else  but I was the one getting burned asshole. as i  watched freinds become enemys RATS crawl out of there holes ...Agent Orange i say this  not holding any grudges ,.....But Fuck you  and your sisters skulls  mabey you and KNAUT, can take a vacation and try to get that ass pounding off of your mind considering your old wrinkley sack hasnt been used since..when... your balls are most likely heavy since  the arm you use  to jack it  hasnt been out of that puppets ass  since he decided to sit on it..... YO KNAUT ...Dont rotate bitch!!!!

ROFLMAO @ Recon. What a stupid ass Canuck you are. Neocon? Gee, thats original. A Neocon would be someone who is so far to the right....and Im in the middle you douche. Recon you were always a naive little punk. Nothing has changed I see. And you Canucks have no right to criticize our foreign policy. You are going to get yours, just like the French are right now. its so comical to have people who never even visited the US to criticize its policy or government. How pathetic is that. Thats like me trying to tell you your government sucks and your leader is an asshole. I dont care. Go to your 10 cent healthcare system and wait in line like we do at DMV. Go give half your paycheck in taxes to support lazy ass bastards. I pissed you off?? Cry me a river. My rants are my rants. No one gives 2 shits about you or your Canadian ideals. Even the Canadians in UG right now dont give 2 shits about you. You cant handle debate, OR honor. You get pissed because I feel a certain way about issues. Too bad. Go force your views on someone else you fuckin Nazi douchebag. You and your fake ass blonde hair, you look like a fuckin wigger anyways. Good riddance pussy boy. Way to be a man and be upfront, and let us know you were leaving....NOT . Pussy running out the back door, like a Frenchman, or a Canuck. At least BigRick/Brick told us he was leaving and joining Mafia.


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Whats your infatuation with us??
« Reply #63 on: November 14, 2005, 01:40:53 AM »

Quote from: *MAFIA* Felonious

1)If it stinks like shit...it must be shit...hence why you are shit Bonehead.2)Dont fuckin playing ignorant....3)you fuckheads always fuckin with us because your site is ugly as sin. Cant help that shit. Go take some design classes. All the programming knowledge in the world wont get you guys a clue as to what makes a website look good. All the hacking knowledge in the world wont make you better players. 4)So Bonehead, obviously its you who posted as USAF Blue on our forums...so how about this....dont disgrace the American Air Force by wearing them tags.5) Unlike oyu little fuckfaces, we actually have members of the armed forces in our clan because they have honor...someth ing you know nothing about. So go fuck yourself you pitiful excuse of an admin.
          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^HIS THOUGHTS

1)If it stinks like shit you have gone to low move your dumbass nose up and get off your sister
2)dont fucking playing ignorant???wowza you shouldnt be allowed to use the word ignorant after that oral diharea.
3)you think we bug you because you think we are ugly... you must be a pet detective in real life.
4)with all your programming knowledge and gaming skills your still to stupid to find the 14 year old child USAF member who posted on your forums
5)unlike yourself I check the facts before I accuse 30 r 40 people of lying, you use the phsycic hotline?she tell you we have no military members???
 I think, that if your site is getting owned by a 14 year old kid you should think twice before coming to a site with  talent and grit and run your mouth.
 You have just been served by a retarted hairlip with a droolcup necklace:)

yeah ok...for someone who cant spell to save his life, you sure showed me. ROFL.

Go back to your little cheats you pathetic cuntrag. You couldnt serve yourself a glass of warm milk without burning yourself on the stove you little child.

*MAFIA* Phantom

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Whats your infatuation with us??
« Reply #64 on: November 14, 2005, 03:25:09 AM »

I can't believe you people actually spend time writing all this nonsense. I don't even have to read it cause it's all the same... a bunch of people doin this--->:bigcry:

But just for fun, lets see what I got in my bag of "cuss words." Fuck you, eat shit, suck cock, blow me, lick a camel's ass, die bitch, your gay, and fuck you again. woohoo!


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Whats your infatuation with us??
« Reply #65 on: November 14, 2005, 05:15:41 AM »

lmao at least recon used his real name and didnt hide behind an anonymous account post! sooooooooo weak! but it doesnt surprise me from a UG clan member!


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Whats your infatuation with us??
« Reply #66 on: November 14, 2005, 06:13:18 AM »

And you're a middle aged man who doesn't know how to play a game, that hides behind a name in the forum. What's your point?

Snake Pliskin

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Whats your infatuation with us??
« Reply #67 on: November 14, 2005, 06:28:57 AM »

At least he uses a name fucktard...... .............. ......"unregestered guest"?  yeah your not hidding at all bitch. :002:


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Whats your infatuation with us??
« Reply #68 on: November 14, 2005, 06:51:30 AM »

Recon you fuc'n PUSSY. Your last endevor died (server) cause your a no account POS! As far as the rest of you FUC's LMFOA!!!!!!!! Now all you can do is hac' each other and finger bang cause PB hardware shut you down and secerts w/in hardware will make you get a new machine b4 you can cheat(play) agin. TGI ur gone!!!! STILL LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Whats your infatuation with us??
« Reply #69 on: November 14, 2005, 10:50:57 AM »

Recon why do you have to run off and be like that.  If you are mad at someone be a man and confront them instead of this pussy running to mafia which seems like they need to take some midol.

[-UG-] Agent Orange

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Whats your infatuation with us??
« Reply #70 on: November 14, 2005, 12:28:14 PM »

Quote from: *MAFIA* Brick
lmao at least recon used his real name and didnt hide behind an anonymous account post! sooooooooo weak! but it doesnt surprise me from a UG clan member!

I wasnt hiding behind an anonymous account post, I just didnt feel like looking up my account info to login. You know who I am Brick. I think everyone knows who posted the above post. I need no introduction.

[-UG-] Agent Orange

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Whats your infatuation with us??
« Reply #71 on: November 14, 2005, 12:33:15 PM »

And talk about childish behavior and its "only a game", you allow people to register, but then you go ahead and edit their titles to say something genius like "Im a pussy dick sucker". Gee, and you wonder how everyone hates you, and everyone knows you guys have no class. I mean, if its all about a game, why go messing with everyone, and being a "fucktard/smacktard". If it is indeed just a game, why go through all the trouble to piss people off all the time? And this is my favorite post from one of you guys....

"its because i love to read retarded ass post by little bitches who think they own the world"

LOL. Hello pot, meet kettle.


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Whats your infatuation with us??
« Reply #72 on: November 14, 2005, 02:11:01 PM »

LOL hows the servers doing AO? anyone play in them anymore or are the all DEAD? its was so funny to sit back and watch UG fail or actualy it didnt fail it was ran into the ground!


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Whats your infatuation with us??
« Reply #73 on: November 14, 2005, 02:57:36 PM »

Quote from: *MAFIA* Brick
LOL hows the servers doing AO? anyone play in them anymore or are the all DEAD? its was so funny to sit back and watch UG fail or actualy it didnt fail it was ran into the ground!

Sorry, are servers didn't fail nor' fall into the ground. We have a BF2 server that is constantly full you misguided moron. Look at the stats. Also, our BF1942/DCF server is always having traffic, you say it died? Dude, are you blind or just fucking retarded? Oh wait, I know the answer to that already. So I won't go to deep into it.  BATTLEFIELD 2 CAME OUT, DCF STARTED TO DIE. SERVERS BEGAN TO SHOW NO TRAFFIC. Does that answer that for you Rick? Or do you need to dig deeper into the mystery. Oh yeah, you're one to talk about servers. How is your server going Rick, or should I say not going? Have fun not being able to play many games you half testicled douche-bag.

*Waits for incoherent MAFIAss member response*

P.S: I still think you're a bitch who hides on the forums Rick. ;)

*MAFIA* Beatlejuice

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Whats your infatuation with us??
« Reply #74 on: November 14, 2005, 03:25:46 PM »

I am not hiding anywhere - what do you have to say to me?

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